Deputy Principal's Report

Dear Families,
I trust it has been a great week for everyone. This week has been very productive at school and I have been lucky enough to get into classrooms and spend some time teaching students. I have also had a chance to see the Production in larger parts and have seen the dances that I have co-ordinated in action. Everything is looking fabulous!!
Random Acts of Kindness
I would like to extend heartfelt congratulations to the following students for their exemplary display of kindness towards others. It's truly inspiring to witness students across different year levels supporting one another and making an effort to spread kindness. Your actions make our school community a better place for everyone.
Week 8
Kristian Z. (4MS), Jemima W. (4MS) and Zahara V. (4MS) for showing kindness consistently to their teachers and other students
Olivia J. (2BL) For being empathetic and compassionate towards others
Milo C. (2BL) For being a champion to his peers and always encouraging others to do their best
Arriving at School on Time
We kindly request that all students arrive at or before 8:45 am each school day. Our school gates will close at 8:50am. Punctuality not only helps students settle into their day smoothly but also maximises their engagement in the learning process. Being present and ready at the beginning of the school day allows students to make the most of instructional time and fosters a positive classroom environment.
In the event that your child arrives after 8:50am, we kindly ask that you sign them in at the school office. This helps us maintain accurate attendance records and ensures that any missed instructions or announcements are communicated to the students promptly.
We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we appreciate your cooperation in instilling the importance of timeliness with your child. Consistent and prompt attendance supports their academic progress, social development, and overall success in school.
Should you have any concerns or if there are specific challenges your family is facing regarding attendance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to support you and work collaboratively to ensure the best possible learning experience for your child.
I'd like to emphasise the importance of keeping our school community safe and healthy. With the ongoing challenges posed by various illnesses, it's crucial that we all do our part to protect one another.
One of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of illness within our school is by ensuring that children who are unwell stay home until they are fully recovered. If your child is unwell, please keep them home. In the event of an absence, please notify the school office.
Safety on the Yard - before and afterschool
As we continue to prioritise the safety and well-being of all students, familes and staff I want to send a friendly reminder regarding the use of bikes and scooters on school grounds.
To maintain a secure environment and ensure the safety of everyone, we kindly request that bikes and scooters be walked while on school property. This small but important measure helps prevent accidents and ensures a smooth flow of foot traffic, particularly during busy times.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. By walking bikes and scooters, we collectively contribute to the safety and comfort of our school community.
St Patrick's Prayer
For those parents who attend our school assemblies or school mass, I am including a copy of the St Patrick's School Prayer.
Dear God,
We at St Patrick’s Primary in Mentone believe that Christ is in the heart of all.
As with our role model, St Patrick, we pray that Christ will be with us, within us, behind us, beside us and before us.
Through our actions of love and kindness may everyone in our community come to know that Christ is the heartbeat of our school.
May everyone in our school feel welcomed, loved, accepted, safe and inspired to learn for the greater good of our world.
St Patrick, pray for us
St Mary MacKillop, pray for us
Joelle Diakrousis
Deputy Principal
Learning Diversity Leader