Important Dates

Please check the Parent Google Calendar for any changes that may occur after the newsletter has been produced.
St Vincent De Paul and the Year 6 Sleepout
As part of this year’s upcoming Year 6 Sleepout to raise awareness of the issue of homelessness in our society, we are preparing some Help Packs for the St. Vincent De Paul Soup Van to provide support to people experiencing homelessness. It is a way we as Catholics can live out our Faith by showing compassion and care for those less fortunate than ourselves. We once again are calling on your generosity and support to help us collect items to go in these packs. We are inviting families from each grade to bring just 1 of either of the two items listed for your class to put in a tub in their classroom over the next two weeks. Each class will have a different two items. Dividing it up in this way means that we will hopefully have multiple packs each with the same array of items to help multiple people. Please note that we have chosen items necessary to daily hygiene and health or healthy non-perishable snacks that keep their bodies nourished as advised by St. Vincent De Paul through their extensive daily experiences.