Secondary News

Mrs Lakshmi Mohan - Deputy Principal/Head of Teaching and Learning 

Mr Justin Desmarchelier - Head of Secondary 

Last Day of Term 3

A reminder the last day of Term 3 is Thursday 12 September.

Teacher Education Scholarships

The PMSA Teacher Education Scholarships are now open for 2025. The scholarships aim to foster a respect for the importance of teaching as a profession and assist aspiring teachers and early childhood educators who align with the Christian faith to complete an approved teacher education program.


Available to either current Year 12 students or recent graduates (last two years) from our PMSA schools, the scholarships are each worth $2,000 per year for up to four years of study for suitable students entering an undergraduate teacher education degree or early childhood education course. This is a great opportunity for our graduates looking to pursue a future career in teaching and early childhood education. 


Applications close on Friday 25 October 2024, with scholarships offered in December. For more information on the scholarships, visit the Scholarships page on the PMSA website.

Reminder: PMSA Christian Mission and Service Assistance Program


Applications for the PMSA Christian Mission and Service Assistance Program is closing soon on Monday 16 September 2024. This is a great opportunity for any of our current Year 11 and 12 students to apply for a limited number of assistance packages to undertake involvement in a recognised Christian Mission and Service Assistance Program in 2025. Two assistance packages with a maximum value of $1250 per student are available for each PMSA school. 


For more information about the program, please see the application form. You can also contact Rev Yarrow if you have any questions -

Student Spotlight: Do Hee Lee (Year 9)

The Lotus Language Prize is a new Chinese language immersion program commencing in 2024. The opportunity is available to current Year 9 and Year 10 students who are studying Chinese and plan to continue with the language as one of their senior subjects through to Year 12. The prize offers successful students the opportunity to spend two weeks in a fully immersive language and cultural program in Shanghai, China in December 2024.


We are thrilled to announce that our Year 9 student, Do Hee, has won the 2024 Lotus Language Prize! The award is a testament to her outstanding dedication and skills while undertaking Chinese as a subject in her Secondary studies. 


"As her Chinese teacher, I am particularly proud of her outstanding achievement and the high-level standard in Chinese language she demonstrated during the interview process."

 - Ruby Chen


Do Hee will be participating in the immersive program, offering her a unique opportunity to enhance her language abilities, explore potential career pathways and enrich herself in cultural understanding. Congratulations to Do Hee for this remarkable achievement, we are so proud of your accomplishment!

Reflections From Fiji

Recently Mrs Chez Patterson our Youngman House Leader undertook a recent transformative journey to Fiji. The purpose of the trip was to offer educational programs and teach essential skills, aiming to empower local Fijian communities and improve their quality of life. The mission was driven by a deep-seated passion for service and education, with the goal of helping students in disadvantaged areas realise their full potential and build their self-confidence.

During the visit, Mrs Patterson engaged with local youth, the homeless, and patients at Nandi Hospital. The classrooms encountered were often overcrowded and lacked resources, with much of the education taking place outdoors. The furniture in these classrooms was also notably basic, reflecting the resource constraints faced by the schools.


One of the most rewarding aspects of the trip for Mrs Patterson was witnessing the joy and excitement of the children. Their warm welcome and happiness, despite their limited resources, were profoundly uplifting when she visited their schools and villages. This experience left a deep impact, making her appreciate the comforts often taken for granted in Australia, such as clean water and electricity. It was inspiring for her to see the resilience and contentment of the Fijian community, even in their challenging living conditions.


“I am a changed person. We are so blessed and privileged to live in Australia with flushing toilets, running drinkable water and electricity. This community is simply happy and joyful despite their living conditions.”

 - Mrs Chez Patterson


Culturally, the trip provided insights into Fiji’s diverse landscape, including Fijian, Hindu, and Muslim communities, each with unique educational practices. Navigating these cultural norms required a respectful approach, especially in Muslim schools where dance and music were restricted, and religious discussions were limited.


The differences between Fiji's education and healthcare systems and those in Australia were striking. Healthcare facilities had separate wards for men and women, with no air conditioning and limited resources, highlighting the disparity in amenities.


Looking ahead, while Mrs Patterson is open to returning to Fiji or similar environments in the future, there is also a focus on mission work closer to home. She hopes that there will be increased support for marginalized communities in Fiji, including better access to government benefits. Mrs Patterson encourages those interested in helping, to donate stationery, water, and clothing such as school uniforms to Fiji which can make a significant impact.

Summer Uniform

From Monday 9 September, the Summer uniform will be compulsory. Please see the link to the College Shop and Uniform Policy below.



Clayfield College will be celebrating RUOK Day on 11 September this year. On this day we remember the importance of meaningful conversations, building friendships and sharing the challenges we face from day to day, with a trusted friend. 


All students are encouraged to wear a yellow accessory with their school uniform (sport or formal depending on their timetable). No gold coin is necessary.


RUOK? Day Activities

  • Monday: Feelings Faces (in the Lower LRC) 
  • Monday: Red Rover on the Oval 
  • Tuesday: Colouring in 
  • Tuesday: Gratitude Jar Give and Take 
  • Wednesday: Cheerful Bucket Checking 
  • Wednesday: Dodgeball in the PE Centre 

QGSSSA Track and Field Championships

On Thursday 12 September, all Secondary students are required to attend the QGSSSA Track and Field Competition held at the Queensland Sports and Athletics Centre in Nathan. The College will be providing bus transport to and from the venue. Any students who are not competing are expected to attend and support their peers as spectators. Let’s get behind our team and show them our support!


Spectators are required to wear full summer uniform with hat. Blazers are not required. Students may bring a small bag with personal items, including lunch, sunscreen, and a water bottle. There is a canteen for students to purchase food. Phones and other devices are not permitted. Students will leave their school bags in the Assembly Hall for the day, which will be locked securely. 

Locker Cleanout

As we approach the school holidays, please speak with your child about cleaning out their lockers and bringing home any unneeded items, including food, lunchboxes, sports bags and equipment. 

Co-curricular/Group Photos

The following groups will be required for Co-curricular/Group Photos in Semester 2. These photos will take place on Thursday 10 October.


Uniform Requirement

Primary Student Leaders

  • Primary Captains
  • House Leaders
  • Sports Leaders
  • Music Leaders (Semester 1/Semester 2)
  • Class Leaders (Semester 1/Semester 2)
  • Chapel Monitors (Semester 1/Semester 2)
  • Student Representative Council
Summer formal uniform

Primary Debating Team 

Year 5 to 6 students

Summer formal uniform


Irish Dancing (Primary)Sports uniform with Clayfield College spray jacket 
Dance Troupe (Secondary)

Clayfield College tracksuit


Britton Shield

  • Cricket
  • Basketball
  • Aquathlon
  • Football

Sports uniform with Clayfield College spray jacket 

(House polo, sports shorts, white sports socks, sneakers)

Andrews Cup Athletics

Sports uniform with Clayfield College spray jacket 

(AC rep shirt, sports shorts, white sports socks, sneakers)

Andrews Cup Artistic Gymnastics

Sports uniform with Clayfield College spray jacket

(*AC rep shirt, sports shorts, white sports socks, sneakers)

* If your daughter does not have a rep shirt, they may borrow one from the Sports Department. Please see Miss Lewin on the day.

Andrews Cup Netball

Sports uniform with Clayfield College spray jacket

(*AC rep shirt, sports shorts, sports socks, sneakers)

* If your daughter does not have a rep shirt, they may borrow one from the Sports Department. 

Please see Miss Lewin on the day.

Andrews Cup Basketball

Sports uniform with Clayfield College spray jacket

(*AC rep shirt, sports shorts, sports socks, sneakers)

* If your daughter does not have a rep shirt, they may borrow one from the Sports Department. 

Please see Miss Lewin on the day.

Andrews Cup Football

Sports uniform with Clayfield College spray jacket

(*AC rep shirt, sports shorts, sports socks, sneakers)

* If your daughter does not have a rep shirt, they may borrow one from the Sports Department. 

Please see Miss Lewin on the day.

QGSSSA Cross CountryClayfield College tracksuit
QGSSSA AthleticsClayfield College tracksuit

QGSSSA Hockey Team

  • Senior A
Hockey uniform

QGSSSA Touch Team

  • Opens (rescheduled from Semester 1)

Touch uniform



  • Junior
  • Senior

AFL uniform


QGSSSA Badminton Teams

  • Opens
  • Senior A
  • Senior B
  • Year 10A
  • Year 10B
  • Year 10C
  • Year 9A
  • Year 8A

Badminton uniform


QGSSSA Volleyball Teams

  • Senior A
  • Year 10B
  • Year 9B
  • Year 8A
  • Year 7B

Volleyball uniform


QGSSSA Netball Teams

  • Senior A
  • Senior C
  • Year 10B
  • Year 7B

Netball uniform


QGSSSA Tennis Teams

  • Open
  • Junior A
  • Junior B

Tennis uniform



Please note the following: 

  • The schedule is being finalised and will be issued shortly; however, when issued Parents/Students are requested to please check the schedule for photo time.
  • Students appearing in photos which require a specific uniform (i.e. sports) to be worn, must have the correct uniform to appear within their photo on the day.
  • Students appearing in photos wearing the Summer Formal Uniform or Sports Uniform, must have the correct uniform to appear within their photo on the day.
  • Students not in correct uniform will be unable to be in their photo.

Co-curricular/Group Lists will be available in daily notices for Year 6 to 12 students to check if needed. 

Crazy Sock and Hair Day

On Friday 4 October, in Week 1 of Term 4, Youngman House will be hosting a Crazy Sock and Hair Day, where all students from PP to 12 are invited to wear their craziest socks and hairdos. Youngman House will be raising money and awareness for The Kid’s Cancer Project. All money raised supports vital scientific research to develop better treatments for all children with cancer. Several students will also be participating in The Big Chop, donating their hair to make wigs for cancer patients. All fundraising days can be paid online, and children do not need to bring a gold coin. If you have not yet made your donation, please do so via the Pay Online section of the College Website. Select College Tours – Excursions & Activities – House Fundraisers 2024. 

Upcoming Events

11 SeptemberRUOK? Day
12 SeptemberEnd of Term 3