Captains' Corner

Reese Orcher (Year 11) - Indigenous Representative, Student Representative Council

National Day of Action Against Bullying

Year 11 took the lead in making Bullying No Way Day a memorable and impactful event for Clayfield this year. We organised a range of activities to spread positivity and reinforce the anti-bullying message across all year levels. 


During lunch, we got creative with chalk drawing, filling the school with vibrant, positive messages allowing students to express themselves through pictures or words. We also created kindness links and spent time colouring with the Primary students, fostering connections and reminding them of the importance of kindness and the impact our actions have on others.


To keep this message at the forefront, we handed out purple ribbons and set up affirmation stations as well as gratitude cards that are now displayed on our House Croc Boards to remind us of the appreciation we have for each other. The daily notices were also filled with affirmations to ensure each day was started with confidence and kindness. 


We felt it was crucial this year to engage with the younger students, helping to strengthen the message of kindness and inclusion from an early age. Our school spirit benefitted immensely from this week and our sense of belonging and community is now stronger than ever. 


The highlight of the week was a whole school Just Dance session, bringing everyone together in a fun and engaging way! We hope each and every student enjoyed the activities as much as we did and are ready to keep Clayfield a fun, respectful and inclusive environment.