It’s been wonderful to see the sun come out a bit more over the last few weeks. I’m sure everyone has enjoyed the warmer temperatures and opportunity to spend some more time outdoors.
Over the last couple of weeks, we have had some great opportunities for staff and students to participate in a range of fun and engaging activities to compliment our normal curriculum.
As usual, our Science team, led by Donna Muldoon and Stacie Witton, put on an incredible Science Week last week with activities for every year level as well as staff. Thank you to our local partners Korumburra Primary School and Burra Foods for being a part of these activities as well.
This week has been Book Week and once again we’ve had a range of activities, challenges and competitions taking place. Well done to Ryan Blake and the rest of the English team for putting this on.
We’ve also just received two calves as part of the Cows Create Careers program. The calves will live with us for the next three weeks with students being responsible for their care during this time. The tasks completed as part of this program touch on nearly every different subject area, allowing students to learn in an immersive and authentic way.
Finally our Like Minds class has just finished preparing the Spring edition of The Burra Flyer. This is another authentic task which allows students to build a range of skills and capabilities, including teamwork, communication, time management, graphic design and writing for an audience, that will support them in all areas of life. Look out for the Spring edition of The Burra Flyer in stores around South Gippsland next week.
By the time our next Community News is released, we will have held our bi-annual A Night to Remember variety night. A Night to Remember is an opportunity for any student (or staff member) to prepare and perform a musical item, dance or short skit. They are always very high quality and it is always a very entertaining night. The event will be held in our PAC from 7pm on Thursday September 5th. It would be great to see everyone there!