Junior School

Head of Junior School Update
This week was Book Week and it has been a huge success, with students and staff showcasing their creativity during the Junior School Dress Up Day on Friday! From classic literary characters to modern favorites, the costumes were incredible. It was a wonderful celebration of reading and imagination. A big thank you to everyone who participated and made the day so special!
Also, check out the video below to see a fantastic performance from the Year 6 Students at our Junior School Assembly on August 9th! Special thanks to Mr. Tom Rouse, Mrs. Bond, and Mrs. Robertson for their guidance and support.
Alex Burgess
Head of Junior School
Year 1
Last week we celebrated Founders' Day. Mrs Tucker made some books for us to read about the history of King’s College. We loved reading the books and have seen how much the school has grown since it began.
Art lessons have focused on completing a directed drawing activity, and experimenting with primary and secondary colours and water coloured paints. The results have been amazing with each of the children showing their potential as artists!
The children have enjoyed having the Prep and Year 2 classes join us for some singing over the past week. It has been lovely to see the children grow in many ways as they help each other with their learning.
Kerry Snook
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
Last week, the Year 2's went out to the Warrnambool Cinema and the Breakwater as part of our excursion for our Humanities topic, The Importance of the Past. We learnt lots about the history of the Cinema and Breakwater and what their significance is to our community. A highlight of the excursion was having a special sneak peek into the projection room! We also enjoyed a pizza party to celebrate filling up our 'Happy Hippo' jar!
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3
Year 3 have been continuing their learning about States of Matter in Science and doing some pretty cool experiments!
In Christian Studies, we have been learning about Moses - his early life as a baby and child, how he freed God’s people and the Ten Commandments. We have created some slideshows (below) to put the Commandments in ‘kid speak’, to make it much easier to remember and follow these important rules of Christianity.
Ang Hales
Year 3 Teacher
Year 4
This week in Year 4, we have been having fun writing division stories in Maths. Students used resources from our Top Ten Maths program to create little stories and then constructed the number sentence to match their division story. There certainly are some budding writers and mathematicians in the classroom! Some stories were so inventive as well as hilarious!
Year 4 students also spent time researching and writing information reports on a town or city of their choice. This tied in well to our Humanities unit, exploring climate zones and weather patterns of different regions around the world. On Tuesday, the students presented their reports and we learned so much about different places including Timboon, Port Fairy, Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Portland, Halls Gap, Dubai and Port Arthur.
It was extra special to learn more about New Delhi from our newest student Shivansh - as this is where he grew up! Thank you Year 4 for sharing your interests and fun facts with us.
Emily Hunter
Year 4 Teacher
Year 6
Year 6 always seem to have a very interesting time in STEM. This week was no different. The challenge set was to build a balloon powered vehicle that we will race next week. We viewed a series of photos to help us with ideas. We then talked about some of the criteria that was needed to make a vehicle work; like having an axel that would move with the wheels. We then had a few minutes to walk around the materials that were available to us before we had to sketch our design.
The materials we could choose from were cardboards, skewers, icy pole sticks, coffee lids, milk bottle tops, tin pie plates, corks, plastic lids and elastic bands, just to name a few. After sketching we could then start building. This time we had to build individually. Some very creative and interesting designs were started. A few completed the task and they are now decorating their designs. Most are still in the process of being built. Stay tuned for the best designs, these of course being the race winners.
Coral Robertson
Year 6 Teacher