Student Wellbeing and Engagement
The ZONEs of Regulation:
The Zones of Regulation is a framework designed to help students notice and name how they are feeling, and use tools to self-regulate. At Springvale Rise we use the zones of regulation language to support students social emotional learning.
Using the Zones at home
Talk about your own Zones with your child: Notice how you are feeling and match it to a zone. “My heart’s beating a bit faster; I feel a bit yellow!’ ‘I feel a bit tired this morning, a bit blue.’
Use books and videos: Use the Zones language to talk about the characters. Pay attention to body language and facial expressions. e.g. ‘Look at that silly face – do you think he’s feeling yellow?’ ‘She’s moving very slowly – what Zone do you think she is in?
Laura Pelle (Heights Campus) and Mary Sampieri (Springvale Campus) Wellbeing Leaders