The Resilience Project

TRP@HOME Spotlight
Did you know …
● There are 27 main human emotions
● We experience at least 1 emotion 90% of the time
● And frequently experience positive & negative emotions at the same time
If you’re interested in learning more about Emotional Literacy check out ‘The Imperfects podcast’. In the below episode Dr Emily talks about the concept of Emotional Awareness, and explains why it’s not only important to identify your unpleasant emotions, but why it's even more important to express them when they arise.
Dr Emily - You are not your emotions
Below is a link to more of ‘The Imperfects’ podcast episodes on The Resilience Project website or you can listen wherever you listen to your podcasts.
National Child Protection Week is approaching and we encourage all families to have conversations with their child that will support them to develop strategies to help them keep themselves safe from abuse.
In Term 4, St. John’s will participate in ‘I am Safe’ Acknowledgement Week, where we explicitly teach strategies that children can use to alert adults to worries and concerns they may have about their personal safety.
2024 theme: ‘Every conversation matters’
In 2024, the National Child Protection Week message that ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’ will be complemented with the theme ‘Every conversation matters’.
Conversations are powerful tools to keep children and young people safe and well.
Conversations can help us understand issues, craft solutions, value community knowledge, and build the brains and social connections of children and young people.
Conversations between…children and their caregivers matter (from the very earliest days)…children and their peers matter…families with teachers, doctors, and other professionals matter…friends or neighbours matter
…decision-makers and the communities they serve matter.
And, of course, conversations in the public realm and media matter…
So this National Child Protection Week we invite you to speak up – and speak together – about what needs to change for every child in every community to have a fair go.
Mark the date for National Child Protection Week 2024 (1-7 September).
Please take a look at the resources available for parents/carers on the NAPCAN website to support you with these conversations.
If you have any concerns for the safety or wellbeing of any child in our St. John’s community, please reach out to Emily or Karen on 9687 3150 or by emailing or