Book Week

Years F-1
On Thursday during our Book Week activities I had the chance to read the story 'Can a fish climb a tree' and completed a couple of activities with the students. The first thing they did was they had to think about their favourite animal and think of something impossible for them to do and draw it. There was some fantastic ideas thought of and some interesting tasks for animals to learn. Afterwards, the students wrote their names on a coloured piece of paper and they had to write things they thought they were good at or some qualities they liked about themselves. We then moved around the room and the students could write some things on other people's pages. It was great for me to see all the kind things people were saying about their peers.
Thank you
A big thank you to all the families for organising costumes for the children for our book week dress up day on Thursday. Everyone looked amazing. It is always a fantastic day and the students love it. Thank you to the kinder parents and staff for bringing up the children to join our parade. It is great to have you all involved.