Cyber Action Team
Term 3 Cyber Action Team Report
In Cyber Action, this term our team has been focusing on getting students to have good media balance. We taught all classes lessons on how to say goodbye to their own devices and making sure that they have device free moments in which to do other things. We also got some of the older grades to set out their “Perfect Day” and surprisingly enough the majority of people didn’t mention anything about devices. We even focused on getting students to make good choices on their devices as well as off their devices. We try to make students understand that too much online screen time can affect their wellbeing/health and making sure students can socialise with other students offline. In class, when sharing students always participated and put their hand up when they want to read out something or share about their task.
Teaching the lessons, gave us confidence and improved our public speaking, especially after we got used to teaching them. Most people in our team fight for the younger classes, since it’s easier to teach younger people but the 3/4s and 5/6s are more mature and have a greater understanding of our lesson content. What we enjoyed about teaching our lessons was teaching with our peers and that the students weren’t really distracting or loud.
We recommend students to join the Cyber Action team when they are a year 5 or 6 as they can discuss what class they want to do and the adults aka Linda and Shona tell you what lesson you are doing and give you time to practise during leadership times and during some lessons. When being a Cyber leader you get to teach children how to be safe online and different things about online and offline activities.
By Cyber leaders Zara, Jennifer, Moana and Zejneb