Student Awards - Term 3

August "Respect"
FOUNDATION B - Daisy A for being respectful towards the environment and nature.
FOUNDATION B - Leo N for demonstrating respectful interactions and manners towards friends, not only within the classroom, but on the field. Keep it up!
FOUNDATION G - Eamon M for showing respect and being a kind and considerate classmate. You are a valued member of Foundation G, Eamon!
FOUNDATION G - Ashwin M for trying his best with his learning and for looking out for his friends. Well done, Ashwin!
FOUNDATION L - Dominik H for brightening our classroom with his smile and spreading kindness in Foundation L
FOUNDATION L - Everly D for consistently demonstrating encouragement, care, compassion, and patience towards her peers through her thoughtful words and actions.
YEAR 1/2E - Aria D for respectfully greeting her teachers and classmates by saying 'Hi' and asking 'How are you?'.
YEAR 1/2E - Myra P for being a respectful student who always offers to help her peers and teachers.
YEAR 1/2PH - Gia V for challenging herself in her written work to reach her next goal.
YEAR 1/2PH - Evelyn T for re-reading her written work and making corrections.
YEAR 1/2D - Ivy H for respectfully listening to other people's ideas and and opinions.
YEAR 1/2D - Chloe F for respecting the opinions of her peers and building upon the thoughts of others.
YEAR 1/2K - Annabeth W for showing outstanding respect to others. Your kindness, empathy, and positive attitude make our school a better place. Thank you for being a role model for your classmates.
YEAR 1/2K - Sienna A for always respecting others and valuing everyone's ideas and opinions. Your kindness and consideration make our classroom a better place for everyone!
YEAR 1/2M - Gemma S for continuously being a respectful member of our classroom and displaying kindness to your peers and teachers.
YEAR 1/2M - Kelly D for showing respect to her peers during class discussions by actively listening and patiently waiting for her turn to share.
YEAR 1/2FM - Alek T for always using manner and respectful language when interacting with his peers. Well done Alek, you are a superstar! ⭐
YEAR 1/2FM - Ava D for consistently considering the feelings of others in your decisions. You are a wonderful friend!
YEAR 3/4B - Elly N for showing respect to her classmates at all times. Elly is always very respectful during meditation times in the morning, allowing those around her to focus. Well done Elly!
YEAR 3/4B - Lyliana H for excellent and creative writing this week. Lyliana completed some excellent writing about a magic potion.
YEAR 3/4C - Livansh R for making an effort to make good choices that support the learning of himself and others. Keep it up Livansh!
YEAR 3/4C - Josie D for working well with others during group tasks and listening to their ideas. Keep it up Josie!
YEAR 3/4S - Mahanya S for the respectful and kind way she interacts with her peers when collaborating with new groups. Thank you Mahanya!
YEAR 3/4S - Alexi K for the positive way he interacts with his peers, showing kindness and support to all those he interacts with. Thank you Alexi!
YEAR 3/4KC - Ryan T for be ready to learn by showing interest in new learning and being an enthuisiatic participant in class discussions and activities.
YEAR 3/4KC - Alex A for actively taking part in class discussions and activites showing respect towards his classmates and teachers.
YEAR 3/4KC - Zayden Y for consistently showing respect to his peers and teachers.
YEAR 3/4M - Giselle V for making a huge effort with her homework, especially her reading. Keep it up Gigi!
YEAR 3/4M - Cristian E for making an effort to avoid distractions and be a respectful learner.
YEAR 5/6K - Emma L for caring about each member of the class and showing respect for yourself and for others. For listening to others and taking on their opinions. Well done, Emma!
YEAR 5/6K - Luke M for treating everyone in the school with kindness and respect at all times. For leading by example and sharing your thoughts and ideas. Great work, Luke!
YEAR 5/6MV - Alan T for always showing all members of MV and the year ⅚ year respect and kindness. Thank you for being an excellent role model Alan! Well done!
YEAR 5/6MV - Nathaniel P for the way he respects and shows his attentive listening skills every day towards his teachers and peers. Well done Nathaniel!
YEAR 5/6R - Hudson S for continually being inclusive towards his peers, respecting their thoughts and ideas in all that he does.
YEAR 5/6R - Amelia L for continually showing respect to her peers though her interactions and kind words. Keep up the awesome work!
YEAR 5/6S - Jordan L for for persevering with patience as he grapples with challenging concepts in literacy. Well done Jordan! ! 😀
YEAR 5/6S - Tyler T for embracing his authentic self, following his curiosity and sharing his original thinking with the class. 😁
YEAR 5/6P - Cooper Y for the respect he shows towards his peers and teachers whilst learning. Keep it up Cooper!
YEAR 5/6P - Hugo N for the effort he puts into his learning to allow him to produce quality work. Well done Hugo!