Year -1/2 Unit

This Term we welcomed Omran and Amal to the 1/2 classes. These students are new to Australia and have been working hard to learn English and to make new friends at Woodend PS. 1/2T has been learning to speak some Arabic phrases and the students have enjoyed showing them lots of things in our classroom. Some favourite things have been the Playdoh and Lego and making pictures with the pattern blocks.
As part of our Bee Points reward system students have been earning and spending Bee Points on rewards that the classes have come up with. Lots of students have enjoyed going to other classrooms to eat lunch with friends, being the class monitors for various things, (lunch orders/library etc) and we have had some elected to be Guest Readers for their classrooms.
The students in the 1/2 classrooms have enjoyed making Father’s Day presents and cards for the important male figures in their lives. Many enjoyed sharing breakfast at school with dads and grandfathers.
It has been a very busy term with several incursions and lots of exciting learning opportunities. Lots of the students are getting tired (and a few a bit emotional…) and we are starting to look forward to the school holidays.
Year 1/2 Teachers
Debbie Thompsopn (12T)/Greer Arnold, Lyndsay Adamson (12A),
Libby Tobin (12S)/Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont (12B)/Greer Arnold,
Katherine Richardson (12R)