3/4C - Look at what we have been up to!

3/4C have been thoroughly engaged in our history topic, where we’ve been exploring the fascinating stories of explorers and the First Fleet. We’ve developed a keen interest and have enjoyed reading and researching the history connected to Australia. Our journey through these historical events has sparked curiosity and deepened our understanding of how Australia was shaped.
Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve learnt so far.
“There were 11 ships in the First Fleet.” “There were over 700 convicts on the First Fleet.” - Evie
“The biggest ship in the first fleet was the Alexander.” - Nyapaar
“When the Friendship sank the survivors were sent to the Alexander.” - Vinusha
“One of the fastest ships in the first fleet was the Friendship.” - Hayley
“One of the supply ships on the first fleet was the Golden Grove.” - Dinara
“The HMS Sirius was named after the brightest star seen from anywhere in the world.” - Liam
“The First Fleet’s journey from England to Australia went for about 8 months.” - Giorgiana
“The Friendship ship sank due to a hole in the deck so all the convicts, marines and their families were sent to the Alexander for the rest of the voyage.” - Isla
“On the First Fleet there was a girl named Esther and she was a convict because she stole clothes.” - Esther
“About 50 children were born on the First Fleet.” - Zoey
“The oldest man in the first fleet was 68 years old.” - Thompson
“The Friendship had over 20 crew members.” - Penny
“The First Fleet left Portsmouth, England on the 13th May 1787.” - Elly
“There were 6 convicts ships in the First Fleet.” - Jessie
“The First Fleet stopped at 3 places on their journey. Rio De Janeiro was one of them.” - Derek
“After the First Fleet stopped at Rio De Janeiro they stopped at Cape Town.” - Arlo
“Captain Arthur Phillip thought Botany Bay was unsuitable so he took the First Fleet to Port Jackson.” - Dylan
“Captain Arthur Phillip went on the HMS Sirius when he led the First Fleet.” - Ethan
“There were 11 ships in the First Fleet. When the Friendship got destroyed all of the convicts had to go onto the Alexander.” - Ricky
“The First Fleet’s last stop was Port Jackson in Sydney in 1788.” - Daniel
“Captain Arthur Phillip led the First Fleet in 1787.” - Victoria
“Captain Arthur Phillip was on the HMS Sirius and led the First Fleet.” - Joshua
“When they got to Botany Bay it was unsuitable so they went to Port Jackson.” - Brandon
“In the First Fleet there were convict ships, supply ships and naval ships.” - Shae
“Mid way during the journey to Australia, Arthur Captain Phillip switched ships from the HMS Sirius to the HSM Supply.” Jacob
“Captain Arthur Phillip led the First Fleet in 13th May 1787.” Nicholas
In our prayer time and religion lessons, we’ve been learning about Mary and her significance both in the past and today. We recently celebrated the Feast of the Assumption, which honours the moment when Mary was taken up to heaven. As part of this celebration, we attended Mass as a whole school.
Mary embodies many wonderful qualities that make her a role model for us. Her deep faith, humbleness, and unwavering love for God are just a few of the virtues that inspire us in our own lives. Through our lessons, we’ve been reflecting on how we can follow her example in our daily actions and choices.
We had a lot of fun exploring the concept of symmetry and decided to bring it to life through art. We carefully thought about the shapes and colours we used to create these pieces. We love hands-on experiences like this, especially when they let us creatively explore concepts like symmetry!
Today we celebrated Indonesian Day! We participated in many fun activities and had a special assembly at the end of the day.