Principal Post

Dear Families,
Indonesian Day
Today we celebrated our Annual Indonesian Day! What a fantastic event! Pak Kris and a team of senior students decorated our school and prepared a stellar range of activities to promote the Indonesian Language and Culture! Thank you to the many parents and family members who came to our Morning Tea today. Well done to our Foundation students and our Year 5-6 students who performed so well for you all!
Thank you to our senior students who were brilliant hospitable hosts in serving our Morning Tea. Thank you to our students who ran games and activities to make the day so special. It was so lovely to see all students wear Indonesian Colours - red, white and black!
Once again thank you Indofood for their kind donations for our Morning Tea.
Finally how lucky is SJV to have Pak Kris - so passionate and talented - a wonderful Indonesian Teacher!!!
Our Year 1-6 Swimming Program at Aquastar Haileybury Keysbourough has concluded and I thank our staff and families for their organisation and support across these past two weeks.
We are very happy with the venue and the organisation of the Program. Having an 'intensive' program across two weeks assists the students in their skill development. It also limits the interruptions to our many school programs.
Overall our students have given us very positive feedback.
Our Foundation students will begin their 8 day intensive program on Monday November 18th concluding Friday 29th November.
A couple of parents have asked why our swimming program for Year 1-6 is in August and not in the Summer months. It is very difficult to secure a spot in these months when some schools have been with the venue at that time of year for many years.
We always ask for the best time of year available.
Swimming is a compulsory part of the curriculum. All students must attend the lessons unless there is a medical reason. For ease of supervision students not swimming must attend the pool with their class and sit with teacher/ staff member.
Paralympic Games
Although we’ve only just caught our breath following the Paris Olympics, the Paralympic Games begin today! Naturally, we’ll be cheering on the Aussie athletes and all who have attended MACS schools!!
The Paralympic Games is a global celebration of the determination and perseverance of the athletes, as well as the way our schools support the learning of all students. We should all take pride in the part we play in showing all young people in our care what success looks like.
May our paralympians inspire us with their skill, determination and courage.
John Hannah House Hostel Visit
Our grade 1/2W visited the residents at John Hannah House. They shared information about Indonesian lessons at school and what they have been learning throughout this year to celebrate Indonesian Day .
Connors Run - time to sign up!!
We would love as many community members to support Connors Run/ Walk on Sunday 15th September.
St John Vianneys School is getting behind Connors Run to help fundraise for Paediatric Brain Cancer. There is an event on the morning of Sunday 15th September - a walk or fun run!
Join up and join in!! The more the merrier!
See the Connors Run page in this newsletter!
There is a 3KM run that starts at 10:30am plus longer walks or runs for those interested.
You can also donate without the walk/run!
See the Connors Run page in this newsletter for details and registration!
At-the front desk we have now installed a new VPASS iPad. When you come in late or need to leave early please have a try of the iPad.
Resilience Project Award
This week Chris won an award for Gratitude. He won this for being courteous to others by displaying good manners to other students and staff. Well done Chris!!
Art Show
Please read the page regarding our upcoming ART SHOW - 3rd & 4th September
- Tickets are available NOW on CDF PAY.
Fathers Day
Our 5-6 O class will host their Class Mass with the theme Fathers Day!
Morning Tea will follow in the staffroom!
We wish all our Dads, grandfathers and significant men in our lives a wonderful Fathers Day on Sunday.
Thank you for all that you do to support each of us in your fatherly roles. Thank you for the support you give to our SJV community and partnering with us in the best interest of your child/ren and all others.
We also remember all those Dads, grandads and significant men who have gone before us or are far away from us at the moment. We remember them in a special way.
The Father's Day Breakfast will be held in the Performing Arts Area beginning at 7.30am. We look forward to seeing as many fathers and students as possible. Ticket sales closed today.
BEFORE SCHOOL CARE will be held in the Scanlon Building from 6:30am on Monday.
Heavenly Father,
you entrusted your Son Jesus, the child of Mary, to the care of Joseph, an earthly father. Bless all fathers as they care for their families. Give them strength and wisdom, tenderness and patience; support them in the work they have to do, protecting those who look to them, as we look to you for love and salvation, through Jesus Christ our rock and defender.
(Author unknown)
From the Office
If your family circumstances change could you please contact the office to update and to ensure we have the most accurate information.
For example - Addresses, contact numbers and emails. Thank you in advance.