Dates to Remember

Friday 30th - Father's Day Stall
Friday 30th - Class Mass 56O 9am followed by Morning Tea
SUNDAY 1ST - Happy Fathers Day
Monday 2nd - Father's Day Breakfast 7:30am (Performing Arts Area)
Tuesday 3rd - Art Show Opening Afternoon/Night 3:15pm - 7:30pm
Thursday 5th - District Athletics - selected students
Friday 6th - Indigenous Literacy Day
Friday 6th - Springvale Microforest Grade 4 excursion 12pm-2pm
Friday 6th - Class Mass 1/2M - 9am followed by Morning Tea
Saturday 7th - St John Vianneys Parish Dinner Dance - (See Parish Bulletin)
Monday 9th - 13th - Book Week - Theme: 'Reading is Magic'
Monday 9th - Book Week Parade (at 2.30pm) and Lamont Book Fair Begins
Tuesday 10th - Book Week - Adam Wallace Author Visit F-6
Thursday 12th - Year 1/2 Toy History Incursion
Friday 13th - Class Mass 1/2W - 9am followed by Morning Tea
SUNDAY 15TH - CONNORS RUN 8am - 11am
Monday 16th - Fair for Fairness day
Friday 20th - Class Mass 5/6L - 9am followed by Morning Tea
Friday 20th - Footy Day
Friday 20th - Term 3 Concludes
2024 Closure Dates (Pupil Free Day)
Friday 18th October - School Review Preparation
Monday 4th November - Cup Day Eve
Friday 6th December - 2025 Planning Day
House Athletic Sports
Friday 15th November (Time to be confirmed)
Ross Reserve Noble Park (all weather track)
2024 Term Dates
Term 3: Begins Monday July 15th
Concludes Friday 20th September
Term 4: Begins Monday October 7th
Concludes for students Tuesday 17th December