Year 1 News

From Karen, Year 1 teacher

Enchanted writing and making

In the spirit of Book Week, students have been busy doing lots of craft activities to transform the year level space into a magical world. We have been reading ‘The Enchanted Wood’ by Enid Blyton across the cohort, and the students were all so captivated by the magic and the plot of the book. 


For craft, we made toadstools, beanstalks from ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, designed different lands for our own Magic Faraway Tree. Some of the enchanted lands that our students have come up with includes ‘The Land of Footy’, ‘The Land of Candy’, ‘The Land of Chicken Nuggets’ and ‘The Land of Roses’. They then also had the opportunity to write a story about these lands and the adventures their characters could have in them.

Math and competition

Students completed a week of the competitive Potato Olympics. 


The students first designed and named their spuds, and we held an Opening Ceremony where each athlete was introduced. Then the little ‘athletes’ competed in four games: Potato Spinning, Weightlifting, Bowling, and Rolling. 


As each athlete competed in each game three times, the students tallied the personal bests as part of the Closing Ceremony.


It was lots of fun!