Outdoor and Environmental Studies

Mount Stirling ski camp adventure
For our final OES camp of our Outdoor Environmental Studies journey, we went all the way to Mount Stirling. Many of us hadn't even seen snow before, let alone strapped two planks of wood to our feet and tried skiing down a mountain before. It was really hard work, especially having to cross-country ski up the hill with our hiking packs on. But even if it was hard, and we fell A LOT, it was an amazing experience that we got to share among amazing people that we've gotten to know over the last two years.
The second day was filled with an energy between everyone that could be described as nothing short of electric, without our heavy hiking packs on we suddenly gained the ability to balance and even when we were falling it was fun. Our cross-country ski guides were impressed with how quickly we picked up our skills, but there was still no shortage in people yelling "PIZZA" as someone flew down the ski run out of control. Luckily there were no injuries. Although it was cold at night there was a large teepee with blankets, chairs and a fire for us to enjoy. It was here we reflected on our time during Outdoor Environmental Studies and shared our favorite moments as a group.
A big thanks to Mr Bartholomew for organizing the camp and to Mr Strachan and Mr Sullivan for helping it run.