From the Principal

As we pass the mid-point of Term 3, we are approaching some significant milestones for our senior cohort, and I hope that your young people have been involved in some of the enriching extra-curricular activities available to them. In reading the recent issues of the newsletter and this current edition, there have been many excursions and sporting events highlighted, with so many students involved.
Last Friday 40 Year 10 students, supported by some of our Middle School staff, headed off on their Northern Territory outback experience. I have heard that they are having an amazing time and we look forward to them sharing their experience in the next Newsletter Issue.
Our Year 12s held a fantastic and much anticipated school formal last week, at the San Remo Ballroom. The event is predominantly student run, with support from our Senior School Team, so a big thanks to the Formal Committee, including the school captains, for creating a hugely enjoyable event to celebrate our Year 12s NHS School experience. It is always a highlight in the calendar, and marks the start of the 'business end' of the year. The focus from here is on the academic side of the year 12, with only 4 weeks of school remaining before they undertake their exam preparation or finalise their outcomes.
We recently sent out an invite for all our families to complete the 2024 Opinion Survey via a Compass Newsfeed. I again encourage you to please take the time to complete the survey, as your opinions are important to us and will contribute to the future planning and organisation of our school. The online survey is expected to only take 20 minutes to complete.
Parent Teacher Student Conversations are later this term with bookings having opened this week. It's a great opportunity to meet and speak with teachers to hear about how students are progressing. As always, we strongly encourage students to be part of these conversations to contribute and reflect on their learning to date and be part of setting goals moving forward. Please read the article in this edition, with detailed information on the format in which they will run and how to book available via the Compass newsfeed. Please note that there is one day that is allocated for face to face meetings onsite while the other day is for online interviews. We will continue to monitor our families’ preferences for either of the options and hope that you can find interview times that best suit your family.
Our Friends of Northcote Committee are working hard on our upcoming Comedy Night. It is great to see the comedians that they have lined up for us. Tickets are now available and if you are able to assist with promoting the evening let us know.
I hope to see you at one of the events during the Term.
Chris Jones