From the Library

The Library is on the move!
From Monday August 26 to Friday August 30 the library will be closed while we undertake our move to the new building.
During this time, you can still access library resources via our online platforms.
PressReader makes it easy to find and read the newspapers and magazines you already love, as well as discover new favourites from all over the world. New titles are added every day to the platform, and they are now making it even easier to find the most interesting publications for you.
ClickView is a film and documentary streaming platform designed to support teaching and learning in the classroom. NHS student can view all ClickView programs at school without using any of their data allowance.
NHS staff and students sign in via Compass
Username: Your NHS email
Password: Compass password
Save your sign on - Clickview sign on instructions
Use the Wheelers App to download eBooks and AudioBooks to your phone or device.
Sign in with these credentials:
Username: your NHS email
Password: your Compass password
Britannica School is the go-to site for learning about any subject, for all ages and learning abilities! Their highly reputable editorial team expertly creates content at three levels to support students at every stage of their education. Choose a level to begin exploring the wide array of Britannica content.
AccessID: northcotehs Passcode: nhsvic
Research Guides and Themed Dashboards
Are you looking for more information about a text you are reading or a subject you are studying? Click on the link above to take you to all our LibGuides.
Prize winning books announced
The Children’s Book Council of Australia are pleased to announce the results of the 2024 Book of the Year Awards, with special thanks to video announcement hosts Matthew Pieri and Gloria Hanna from the Australian Theatre for Young People. This year's announcement includes the Honours and Winners of the Book of the Year Award as well as the Sun Project: Shadow Judging Book of the Year Winners. Congratulations to all the entered creatives, it was a stellar year!