Student Services : Careers

Year 9 Career Workshops
On Monday all Year 9 students attended a careers workshop ‘Applying for Work’. This was an opportunity to build knowledge on networking, applying for jobs and talking about yourself. Students developed a PITCH, and looked at a basic resume template. Further resources will be provided to students on Teams. Thanks again to Tyson Day from Arrive and Thrive for his work with our students this year – students have enjoyed his workshops, online modules and podcasts.
Year 9 Morrisby Program
Year 9 parents/guardians are encouraged to consent to their student participating in the Morrisby program, which commences with an assessment on Monday 16 September. Arrangements can be made for students who are absent on the assessment day to sit the assessment remotely/at home at another time.
Year 12 planning for work and study
Year 12 students have continued planning for 2025 and beyond. Students have watched a video outlining options and processes. Parents can access this video using the password NHS2024.
NHS VTAC Deadline for course application completion is the end of term – Friday 20 September 2024