Dates For Your Diary

Term 3

Term 3, 2024

Friday 30 August

Father and Father figures Stall

No Assembly 

Will Fowles (Member for Ringwood) will  visit the Grade 5/6 as part of their government studies.


Monday 2 September

Breakfast and Books 8:15.  Check Compass event for more detail. (NEW)


Friday 6 September

9:00 - Assembly and launch of the Colour Run (NEW)


Sunday 8 September

Premiers Reading Challenge Closes 


Tuesday 17 September

3:45-5:45 - Student-led Walk Throughs - with a big focus on informing families about the wellbeing approaches used across the school, not to be missed 


Friday 20 September

End of Term 3, 2:30 dismissal 


Term 4, 2024

Monday 7 October

Clothing & Book donations this week for the Festival (NEW)

School resumes for Term 4


Monday 14 October

Toys, games and puzzle donations this week for the Festival (NEW) 


Wednesday 16 October

Grade 6 Photos for Graduation 




Monday 21 October

Chocolate bars and bags of lolly donation this week for the Festival (NEW) 


Monday 28 October

Lucky Jars (filled), empty jars, items to fill jars, donation this week for the Festival (NEW) 


Monday 4 November  

Student Free day, professional practice day for teachers. 


Tuesday 5 November 

Melbourne Cup Day 


Wednesday 6 November

BBQ Sauces and Napkin donations this week for the Festival (NEW) 


Friday 8 November

2:30 - Transition Activities #1 - All students transition to next class for an hour and Foundation 2025 students come in 


Monday 11 November

Cans of soft drink donations this week for the Festival (NEW) 


Monday 11 - Friday 15 November 

Whole School Swimming Program 


Monday 18 - Friday 20 November

Fresh produce donations this week for the Festival (NEW) 


Monday 18 - Wednesday 20 November 

Grade 3/4 Camp to Mt Evelyn 


Friday 22 November

2:30 - Transition Activities #2 




Saturday 23 November 

2:00-7:00pm - Fun and Food Festival 


Thursday 28 November

Children's University Graduation (NEW)


Friday 29 November

2:30 - Transition Activities #3  


Tuesday 3 December

6:00 - Christmas Celebration  


Thursday 5 December

5:30 - Foundation 2025 Expo Night


Tuesday 10 December

State-wide Grade 6-Year 7 Transition Day

9:00-12:30 - Transition Activities #4 and family BBQ for 2025 Foundation families 


Monday 16 December

Grade 6 Graduation 


Wednesday 18 December

Class Parties at school 


Thursday 19 December

Whole School Picnic at Lillydale Lake 


Friday 20 December

End of Term 4, 1:30pm finish



Term 1 - 29 January - 28 March

Term 2 - 15 April - 28 June

Term 3 - 15 July - 20 September

Term 4 - 7 October - 20 December



Term 1 - 29 January -  4 April 

Term 2 - 22 April -  4 July

Term 3 -  21 July - 19 September

Term 4 - 6 October - 19 December