
This Thursday, Stephanie Ward from Colac Police will talk with students from Foundation- Year 6 about online safety. To coincide with the The 'Think U Know' presentation; this week’s SchoolTV Topic is Cyberbullying.
“Cyberbullies are buoyed by the support they get from bystanders. Therefore, victims and witnesses should be encouraged to stand up to the aggressors. Children have the right to feel safe regardless of which school they attend.”
Dr Michael Carr-Gregg
This week’s SchoolTV topic is Cyberbullying and Cyberbullying Special Report
Please click the TV image below
WEEK 5 -
& Cyberbullying Special Report
WEEK 4 - Social Media & Digital Reputation
WEEK 3 - Body Image
WEEK 2 - Grief & Loss
WEEK 1 -
13 11 44
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Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader/Religious Education Leader