Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,

      Just a note to say “thank you”. Gee you are doing a great job with these kids. I’ve been away for a few weeks and I missed these children. We don’t get told very often that we are doing a good job as a parent but there are often lots of subtle hints from advertising agencies and grumpy people in the supermarket queue that we aren’t. 

Being a parent is such a tricky job. It’s the most important job that we will ever have and it can be hard, but it comes with great rewards too. It seems harder in the age of social media, where everyone SEEMS to know what everyone else is doing. Where we are bombarded constantly with “happy snaps” of “my gorgeous children/family”.  This is a fantastic way to share our joy and keep our friends and family informed of how we are all going but…. When you’re having a tough time at home the temptation is there to think ”Well, what’s wrong with us? I’ve just given my precious darlings a blast and sent them to their rooms for continually fighting with each other/not eating their tea/refusing to get in the bath/do their homework/etc etc.”


Parenting is hard, NOBODY has EVER done it perfectly and nobody ever will.

(This is true for teachers too, by the way). Our parents didn’t do it perfectly either and we turned out OK didn’t we…. well mostly?

Parents need to occasionally give themselves a break. Our children need to know that we love them unconditionally. They need three meals a day, clean clothes, good role models and education. They need to make mistakes in order to learn and they need friends who will help teach them what is acceptable behaviour according to the rest of the human race. Kids need to get things wrong sometimes, they need to learn that the world does not revolve around them and they need to learn to cope with disappointments. They will come to appreciate that the sun still comes up, that the needs of others are just as important as theirs and that we love them no matter what.


SCHOOL REVIEW SURVEYS Just a reminder to those parents that received an invitation to the online survey informing our next School Review, if you can find 30 mins or so to complete the survey we would be very grateful.


THINK U KNOW A reminder too, about the upcoming Online Safety lessons to be presented by Stephanie Ward from Victoria Police to all classes this Thursday August 15th. Parents and Carers are invited to attend these sessions. The timetable for the lessons is included with today’s newsletter.  The sessions will be held out of the school’s Multipurpose room.


Jack Lenaghan - Principal