Delahey Campus Principal Message

Welcome back to Term 3. While the winter days and the pressure of assessment tasks and presentations have posed some challenges, the Olympic Games spirit has been evident on campus. Students are reminded that the most important thing in life is to take part, strive for personal excellence and undertake everything respectfully.
Delahey Library
The Delahey Library Team celebrated the Olympics with the set up of TV displays. Staff and students were able to cheer on the ‘Green and Gold’ and all other world teams during breaks. Thank you to our gold medal champion library team, Bronwen Ch’ng and Som Souriyavong, for their tremendous work, along with the IT team for providing this opportunity.
The Olympic display board outside the library has been a point of conversation for all.
VCE Maths Games
While the world’s athletes gather in Paris competing for gold, on July 30th eight of students from our year twelve Specialist Maths class competed in the state VCE Maths Games Day for 2024 at RMIT.
The students tested their mathematical mettle against top students from around Melbourne and Victoria achieving excellent results.
Many congratulations to Declan, Josh, Sehaj, Brandon, Luke, Kabeer, Tien, and Arnav!
Community Project- Christmas in July
Our community projects aim to engage students with our local community, and the recent Christmas in July event exemplified those values Congratulations to Year 12 VM students Mia, Christine, Jess, Shanelle, and Natalie for their organisation of a heartwarming 'Christmas in July' community lunch for the elderly residents of Arcare, Sydenham. This special event was held at Copperfield College, Delahey Campus, and was a resounding success.
The festivities included live Christmas carols, a fun-filled Christmas trivia game with prizes, a traditional Christmas lunch, and a surprise visit from Santa Claus, also known to us as James Inabinet,
The joyous atmosphere and thoughtful details made the event truly unforgettable for our guests.
This event was particularly valuable for our students' emotional growth. They demonstrated empathy and compassion as they assisted and interacted with the elderly guests. Many students remarked afterward on the immense satisfaction they felt, with one commenting, "Seeing the joy our event brought to our guests was very rewarding."A big congratulations to our VM students for their dedication and hard work in making this event a memorable experience for everyone involved!
Same Difference- Mixed Media on Card
An inspirational artwork titled ‘Same Difference has been created by the Year 12 Making and Exhibiting class. The artwork has given students the opportunity to work as a team of artists & problem solve through the challenges of sixteen creative voices creating one cohesive artwork. This project has also given students confidence in developing techniques which are currently supporting them with their own personal final artworks that are due later this term.
With the support of Art Teachers (Marianne Gualtieri, Pauline Wilkins and Pavani Katugampola) we aim to exhibit many of our students work. The establishment of small art galleries are emerging around the campus. This is a wonderful opportunity to exhibit the sensational artistic skills of our students.
Congratulations to the LOTE team for the organisation of various activities, food stalls and music. A great opportunity to see students enjoying Italian and Japanese culture throughout the week.
During LOTE week, Year 12 Japanese students participated in a Model United Nations to discuss the important topic of AI and SDGs: Harnessing the Benefits – Safeguarding Human Rights. An immersive experience into the reality of politics and the implications of AI, conducted entirely in Japanese.
Morning Tea with Declan Fay and the Class of 2024
On the first Day of August, Year 12 students gathered to listen to Declan Fay (TV comedy writer) share some humorous stories of his school days. He inspired the students with his words of wisdom of how to achieve ones best potential.
The Class of 2024 photo was taken, students had some time away from their studies
to chat and enjoy some morning tea. Thank you to the Student Management Team for organising this enjoyable event.
Sunset Boulevard
The Year 12 VCE cohort attended a screening of Sunset Boulevard at ACMI on Monday 29/7. Thank you to the organisers, attendees and all staff involved.
This excursion aimed at enhancing students' understanding of Unit 4, Text Response. Students watched the film and engaged in a lecture discussing key aspects of the film relevant to the Area of Study.
Year 11 Awards
Fifty three Year 11 award winners were recognised for their academic achievements across a range of subjects. Awards included Academic Excellence and Consistent Effort across the areas of VCE, VCE/VM and VET.
Thank you to Ali Kacmazer 2Y4 and Mia Chircop 2Y3 from the student leadership team who announced the winners and to the student management team for their exceptional work in organising certificates and the presentations for the event.
VET Sport and Recreation in partnerships with Mackellar and Stevensville Primary Schools
VET Sport and Recreation Year 12 and Year 11 classes have created strong partnerships with Mackellar and Stevensville Primary Schools. The senior students have facilitated Sports Activities and Athletics Day. The students have displayed excellent leadership, a strong work ethic and have been wonderful ambassadors for the College. Thank you to VET Teachers Bobby Todorovski and John Lam for their support with these events and to the Principals and staff of the Primary Schools for making this partnership possible.
WPC Workplace Skills Training
Year 11 and 12 Students participated in Workplace Skills training facilitated by WPC professionals and supported by WRS teachers. Sessions were tailored to meet the year level WRS needs. The topics covered included: Traineeships and Apprenticeships, Employer Expectations, Resume Writing, Interview Preparation and Mock Interviews.
Commencing the VTAC Process.
The Year 12 students with support from the Pathways Team, their Connect Teachers and the Student Management Team commenced the VTAC process. This is both an exciting and nerve- racking journey, however our students are in the hands of experts. A reminder to all students and families, the deadline for timely applications is 5.00 pm, Monday 30 September 2024.
High School Musical
Congratulations to the Cast and Crew of High School Musical. It was a spectacular event.
Go Copperfield Wildcats!! Many more successful events to our school community.
Sporting News
It’s been a busy few weeks for Interschool Sport at Copperfield!. We had 5 teams compete at the Western Metro Finals. Congratulations to Senior Boys Basketball and Senior Girls Soccer who all represented the school with great effort and attitude.
The Senior Boys Badminton & Senior Girls Table Tennis went one step further, with both placing 2nd in the region, narrowly losing in the finals.
A special mention to the Senior Girls Table Tennis who have been invited to compete at the State Finals this week. We wish them the best of luck and congratulate their efforts.
We also take this opportunity to thank the sports coaches for their time, hard work and effort in supporting and guiding our students through these events.
Coppeerfield College congratulates Diyanshu Redhu 2Y6 who has been selected by the Board of Boxing Australia to participate in the World Boxing Championships on October 25th to November 3rd in Pueblo, Colarado USA.
With warm regards for a joyful Spring season to all,
Ms Soula Dedes Campus Principal