Library News

Book award season
If you are looking for some great reading now or over the break, take a look at the Children's Book of the Year Award(CBCA) shortlist or the Australian Publishers Association Book of the Year.
Most of the CBCA titles are now available for students to borrow.
Reader's Challenge launched at Delahey
Year 11 and 12 students who enjoy reading are encouraged to join the Delahey challenge. Five books that are chosen, read and verified with Library staff entitle the student to join a Pizza lunch during Book week-usually the 3rd week of August.. This is a nice follow up to the Premiers' Reading Challenge that is undertaken by Years 7-10.
Congratulations to Jenny Bui from Year 11 who won our Highpoint voucher for the Ebook competition. All students who entered received a sweet reward.
It must be the season for aspiring writers young and old. Dymocks is currently promoting their creative story competition and Melton Libraries have opened their writer's short story competition. Why not have a go with your story? Dymocks Beyond Words and Melton short story
Escape Room
To celebrate Library and Information week 29/7-2/8/2024 and the weeks leading up to Book week 17/8-23/8, DEL Library is hosting an escape room with teams booked in for 20 minute sessions in each break. Our room (pictured) may look pretty simple, but spatial puzzles, codes and sequences need to be correctly identified and entered into locked boxes to reveal....more puzzles or the way to go out. Its a bit of fun and several teams have already been through, helped in their scores by some very obvious direct hinting. A leaderboard will be drawn up with a small yummy prize for the winning team.
Do look out for the announcement of the CBCA Book of the Year during Book week, perhaps encourage your student to borrow a new book as we have many chosen by their film adaptation on streaming platforms, Book Tok, or Good Reads. A recent article in the Age newspaper "Reading can really change the way we act" Click here to read, summarises the importance of reading, scientific studies and how we can make sense of our world.
Bronwen Ch'ng
Senior Campus Librarian
The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge 2024 challenge has begun!
To complete the challenge all you need to do is sign up through the library’s home page or the sheet at the desk, then read 15 books between Jan and 6th Sep 2024 and record them on the website
You'll need 10 from the challenge list and 5 are your choice.
Join the Challenge today and you can:
· Mark books as a favourite, give them a star rating or complete a book review
· Get expert tips and book recommendations
· A certificate signed by the Victorian Premier and former Premiers
· Books and other prizes
· Join the pizza party
To find out more about the Challenge and access the booklist visit:
If you have any questions, just talk to us—Ms Ireland or Ms Jeffery
All books have to be recorded on the website by 6th of September.
Lucinda Ireland
Junior Campus