Sustainability & Garden Club


I was proud to accompany twelve of our Year 5/6s to attend the Pedalathon at Melbourne Girls’ College. Students rode specially designed Be-bikes and rowing machines, to generate power, adding their own human energy to batteries! Their pedal power created enough energy to power popcorn and fairy floss machines, to reward them for their hard work! We are planning a jointly organised Trinity and MGC Sustainability Event, where primary schools can compete against each other with pedal power to create energy. Stay tuned for more exciting details!



Gardening Club

Today we looked after the worms in our worm bins and talked about why they are so important. 

As worms eat our food scraps, the food passes through their digestive tracts where the waste is inoculated with microorganisms present in the worm's digestive tract. When the worm excretes the waste (worm poop, also called castings), the microbes are also released, enlivening the soil ecosystem. Worm castings are a highly valued garden fertilizer. The liquid created drips into a tray, which we collect in big buckets. We can mix two spoons of this “worm wee” into a big watering can, to give our plants a treat that will help them to grow.


Have a great week everyone! Thanks for your great efforts in helping us live in a way that is kinder to our environment!


The Sustainability Team - Ms Belinda and the Sustainability Leaders - Anderson, Lula, Clementine and Edith.