Prep SC Larning Ms Stanton & Ms Caitlin

It is our first term and the Preps are off to an amazing and busy start! As Preps are now coming to Trinity for a full school week, we will continue to engage students in morning Investigations as a way to transition into the school day. These investigation activities allow students to review the graphemes and phonemes from Little Learners Love Literacy while working alongside their peers, utilising their creativity, and practicing their fine motor skills.


In literacy, students have been listening to stories and working on identifying characters and events, describing them and then retelling them. Recently, in conjunction with our work on rhyme, students retold the story of the Incy Wincy Spider through a small stage set up. Around this time, you may have heard that a crime took place in our classroom (rest assured, it was only pretend). To further support understanding of rhyming pairs, students listened to Jon Burgerman’s “Rhyme Crime” and worked together to brainstorm rhyming pairs in an attempt to discover what had been taken from our room. Participating in these types of activities supports students in developing their auditory skills to more accurately identify phonemes.


In numeracy, students have focused on working with numbers 0-10 in a variety of ways. Students have made collections, used 5- and 10- frames, and created art to explore these foundational numbers. Recently, students designed blast off rockets to build fluency in counting forwards and backwards.

In Religion and Inquiry, we have been learning about Lent. As a class, students discussed and jointly created a whole class Lenten promise. They are ready to focus for the next 40 days on giving others space when they are sitting in the classroom and standing in line. To create our promise display, students drew out different ways to be a good friend and classmate.


It’s been a fantastic six weeks of learning and we’re looking forward to many more!




Ms Stanton and Ms Caitlin