Learning and Teaching

Helen Varthalis - Learning and Teaching Leader & Learning Diversity Leader

Prep and Year 6 Buddy Program: Building Friendships and Confidence

The Buddy Program is underway at Trinity! It is a great initiative that brings together our youngest and oldest students to foster friendship, mentorship and school community spirit. Each Prep student is paired with a Year 6 buddy and every Wednesday afternoon, they come together for an activity, such as, reading, playtime and shared learning experiences. These regular activities are a wonderful way for our students to create bonds, learn from each other and create lovely memories.


The program is great for everyone involved! The Prep students have additional support as they navigate their way through their first year of schooling, while the Year 6 students develop leadership skills and a sense of responsibility. Have a look at our youngest and oldest getting to know their buddies this week.




St John Ambulance Australia Incursion

The St John First Aid in Schools Program took place at school on Wednesday. The program is designed to educate children on how to assist in emergencies at home, school or on the sports field. Take a look at our students being taught the importance of First Aid in the community, building resilience and how to help save lives.




Learning Events/Opportunities in Term 1

NAPLAN - Years 3 and 5 (Weeks 7, 8 and 9)

Home reading information session for P-2 parents- Wednesday 26/3 (Week 9)


If at anytime you would like to discuss your child's learning, or have any questions or concerns about their learning, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher, Mr Ru or myself.


Ms Helen Varthalis - Learning and Teaching Leader and Learning Diversity Leader