Faith Education
Lent - Journey toward Easter
Faith Education
Lent - Journey toward Easter
Loving and ever-present God,
You who guides us in all things and hold us in Your care,
We entrust to You Your servant, Pope Francis, in his time of illness.
With the tenderness of a Father and the wisdom of the Spirit,
Grant him strength, healing, and deep consolation.
May he, renewed in body and spirit, continue to serve Your people with a discerning heart,
Always seeking Your greater glory in all things.
Through Christ our Lord,
Dear Families,
Lent started yesterday with Ash Wednesday.
Traditionally, ding our Lenten journey we focus on three things:
Today, I would like to focus on Lent a little differently. Underneath, you can find a calendar from Ash Wednesday to Easter with a little task to focus on each day. I received this from our Parish and although we focus on all the areas always, each day we could pay particular attention to 'Fasting from.....' or 'Feasting on.....'
I hope this helps you and your family in focussing on Jesus' message this Lent.
Please find the latest Parish News here:
Kind regards,
Ru Lameijn (R.E. Leader)