French Programs

Sophie Oldfield

What’s happening in our French classrooms?


The Year 7 French Partial Immersion class started the year by making their linguistic portrait when reflecting about their place as bilingual learners in their class. They have drawn and presented a visual reflection of the languages they speak in their bodies. 

Below is the linguistic portrait of Vicky Wang in the class. You can click here to hear her talk in French about it.


In Science, the Year 7 Immersion students have been learning about the lab safety rules and lab equipment, particularly how to use the Bunsen burner safely. This week, they put into practice their newly learnt skills as they undertook their first practical experiment. This practical activity involved measuring the time for water to attain 75 degrees, with or without salt added to the water. Students will soon be able to answer the universal question: when cooking pasta, should we add salt to the water to make it boil more quickly?



Our Year 8 Science Partial Immersion class researched factors which influence the heart beat frequency; their inquiry involved running, climbing stairs, meditation, sugary drink and physical exercise.



After only 4 weeks of learning French, our Year 7 Beginners students have learnt an impressive amount of new vocabulary! In this short period of time, they are now capable of introducing themselves and someone else, saying “Je m’appelle, il s’appelle, elle s’appelle”. They can say how they are feeling, such as “ça va bien”, “ça va mal”, “je suis triste”, “je suis fatigué”. They have also learnt about numbers, colours, and last but not least, the French alphabet and its strange accents! Bravo les élèves!


Year 10-12 French


Students enrolled in French in Y10, 11, 12 (IB & VCE) had the opportunity to start the year with a very French tradition. They tasted a traditional French galette des rois and explored the cultural significance of this festive tradition. As the person who finds the “fève” (charm figurine) of a galette gets to be a king or a queen. Our classes were very regal and convivial on that day! This was an immersive cultural experience enjoyed by all.



Year 12 VCE French


The Year 12 students have been working on the topic of education for their first SAC. In preparation, they presented to the class about their AHS school experience. Using visuals to support their speeches, they reflected on their best memories, what they wish they had known earlier, and what they intend to accomplish before they graduate.







Year 12 IB French


As part of our unit of work on Identité & Langues, students were asked to research one particular aspect including: les langues régionales, dialectes ou patois, les accents francophones, le créole, les mots français empruntés des langues étrangères, les différents types de langage (niveaux de langues, langage SMS, langage politiquement correct, langage informatique…). 

Did you know that there are 28 different accents in France?? Have a listen here if you are interested:




Camberwell Primary School Grade 6 students visit AHS!


We were very pleased to welcome Grade 6 students and their teachers to Auburn High School for the last 3 weeks! This was a wonderful opportunity for Grade 6s to get a taste of what life at Auburn will be like for some of them next year! Students took part in various activities in French & Science Partial Immersion lessons as well as Binational lessons. Students also participated in a Science Escape Game, helped by some of our Year 8 FPIP students! This was also the opportunity for teachers to collaborate and plan for effective transition from primary to secondary school. 




French Binational Program Accreditation Review 


On Monday 17 February and Tuesday 18 February, we had the pleasure of welcoming M. Jean-Pierre Avril, from the Ministère de l'Éducation nationale française. The purpose of his 2-day visit was to visit our Binational classes, discuss our program with teachers, students as well as the AHS leadership team. His visit onsite was the next step towards the application process to renew our Accreditation for our 5ème-4ème-3ème classes. We were pleased with his visit and concluding remarks and are looking forward to the final decision to be announced mid-year.


French Tour & Principal Morning Tea - Tuesday 4 March


For interested families in our unique French Specialist Programs, Auburn High School will be hosting a Principal Morning Tea. There will also be the opportunity to see classes in action!



Auburn High School Community Event - French Movie Night📜INVITATION📜


Join us for a special Auburn High School Community Event celebrating French culture and the love of learning!✨🎬 Private Screening of En fanfare / My Brother's Band (Classification TBC)📅 Wednesday, 26 March 2025⏰ 5:45 PM arrival | 6:30 PM movie start📍 Como Cinema, South Yarra


This event complements the 2025 Alliance Française French Film Festival – an opportunity to immerse yourself in French cinema and culture!