
Quest Retreat

The Quest Retreat is a beautiful way to empower young men to live out their faith and Christian leadership – serving as Jesus did.  Last Friday afternoon, approximately 350 students were involved in this special retreat. Commencing with Mass, which was celebrated by Fr Mark Chia and led by our 23 Year 12 Cadre leaders.  We also had 63 Year 11 Peer Ministers who sat with their small group of 3-4 Year 8 boys, and to our Year 10 Roadies for collecting your generous can collections.  This Retreat involves many year levels and cannot run without the support of many staff, especially the Year 8 PCG staff, Mr Peter Oliver, Mr Mario Favotto, Mr Miskiewicz, Mr Shaq Herath, Mr Michael Soares and VK from the Trinity Cafe – thank you!  Special recognition must go to Mr Bernard Le Tessier – Coordinator of Quest, who has spent countless hours ensuring the success of this spiritual retreat for our Year 8 students and to Mr Anthony Byrne. To finish off, I leave you with this message from our Year 11 Peer Minister, Bowie McCabe.


Reflection from Bowie McCabe, Year 11 Peer Minister 2025

''The Quest Retreat was a special experience for all involved. The Mass set a spiritual, reflective tone for the rest of the retreat, followed by an equally spiritual prayer session. The Retreat provided an opportunity for the Year 8s to know they're loved and cared for, which was truly heartwarming to see. Following this, the boys engaged in discussion with the year eleven Mercedes students about relationships and friendships with girls. The insight provided by the girls was well received, and the boys took a lot out of it. To conclude the evening was the Witness Talks and a guard of honour made up of the Peer Ministers and Cadre. The Witness Talks were an opportunity to be vulnerable and explain how they found God in their own lives. Evidently, we could all feel that God was with us at that moment.What you got out of the retreat was what you put in, and fortunately, this was the case for most of the year group. It was a delight to be a Peer Minister for the boys and it was one of the most rewarding opportunities I've taken at the college. Peer Ministry is something I would highly recommend for future cohorts.'' - Bowie McCabe, Year 11 Peer Minister 2025


From a Parent’s Perspective

“It was an uplifting and humbling experience for Kenneth going around the neighbours to place door tags and collecting the canned foods from them. 


We are grateful to be able to have some responses from our neighbours (a total of 6 households); and for Kenneth to be part of it and have some interactions with a few of our neighbours, learning more about the programme, and receive support from them.


In fact, one of our neighbours is an Early Learning teacher, and said this is a wonderful programme for young people to show that we care and be aware of the needs of others within our community and do something about it. - Alex & Errina – Kenneth Wu’s parents

Year 12 & Golden Heritage Club Mass

Continuing our special traditions of the College, our Year 12 cohort and the TOBA Golden Heritage Club were united in a reverent celebration of the Eucharist in the Trinity College Chapel.   Led by Fra Oscar, our College Chaplain, he reminded everyone about the importance of time, wisdom and being a worthy leader in the community.  He challenged them to listen to our guests because they were filled with wisdom and knowledge of their own life experiences, and that at times, life does not go to plan. 


A big thank you to Mrs Vanessa Strohmeier - Executive Officer of TRINITY-TERRACE OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION (TOBA) for all her efforts, especially surprising the new inductees to the Old Boys with a tie and pin that were blessed by Fra Oscar during Mass.  Thank you to Melanie Dunn and our TC Café for coordinating a delicious morning tea in the Staff Lounge. To finish, Darren O’Neill, College Principal, reinforced the message to appreciate their final year of schooling, encouraging all students to partake in all opportunities presented to them. Finally, thank you to all the parents who continue to support our Masses and for raising these wonderful young leaders of our College. 

Friday Community Mass

Friday 8.00am Community Mass was hosted by Mrs Mariotti’s 12.4 PCG and Mr O’Brien’s 8.4 PCG.  Thank you to our readers, Altar Servers, Extraordinary Minsters and regulars attending.  Fra Oscar, thank you as always for inspiring us in our Eucharistic celebration. 

Ash Wednesday

Next Wednesday 5 March marks the beginning of Lent. You are all invited to attend Mass commencing at 8.40am in the Trinity Sports Centre.


Mrs Rosa West - Director of Campus Ministry

Mr Le Tessier – Quest Coordinator

Mr Anthony Byrne – Deputy of Mission and Engagement

The Catholic Youth Assembly (CYA)

Friday, 7 March 2025

The Catholic Youth Assembly (CYA) launch is a significant event in the Archdiocese of Perth, paving the way for the foundation of the Catholic Youth Council (CYC). This initiative is a synodal journey designed to give young Catholics a platform to shape the future of youth ministry in our archdiocese.


Held at the historic St Mary’s Cathedral Parish Centre, the event will feature inspiring addresses by His Grace, Archbishop Timothy Costello, and the Vicar General, Very Reverand Father Vincent Glynn. The evening will be interactive including a Q&A session, with opportunities to connect with other youth Catholics. Attendees will also gain insights into how the Catholic Youth Council will be formed and how it will guide this exciting new chapter in our Church’s mission for youth.


This exciting new initiative is designed to lay the foundation for the formation of a Catholic Youth Council (CYC). This synodal process is an opportunity for young people to have a voice in shaping the future of our Church. Please see datils of this event provided below:



  • When: Friday, 7 March 2025
  • Time: Arrive 6:45pm for 7:00pm Start, Concludes 9:00pm
  • Where: St Mary’s Cathedral Parish Centre, 41 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000
  • Parking: Available on-site

* Light refreshments and food will be provided.






Inspiring talks from our Presenters

  • His Grace, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe will share his thoughts on the theme of Synodality.

  • The Vicar General, Very Rev. Fr Vincent Glynn will discuss the Archdiocesan Assembly and its significance to youth.

  • Adam Phillips, Director of CYM, will outline the Catholic Youth Council's mission and future goals.

Interactive Q&A Session

Engage directly with speakers and ask your burning questions about the Catholic Youth Council and its future.


Community Connection

Meet other young Catholics passionate about fostering a vibrant and faithful Church.


Why Attend?

This exciting new initiative invites you to contribute to the synodal conversation that will shape the direction of youth ministry in our archdiocese. Be part of the discussion, foster meaningful relationships, and help build a stronger faith community!


This event is for all youth from 15 to 30 years of age. All youth under 18 years of age must provide a parental consent form to attend and be signed in and out of the event.



For further information please contact Catholic Youth Ministry, Perth. by email: or telephone: (08) 9422 7912.