Secondary School

Year 12 ATAR Geography Excursion 

As part of the Year 12 ATAR Geography course, the class visited Bodkin Park on the banks of the Canning River to analyse the historical land cover change in the area and observe the impacts of these changes on river ecology.  We investigated, evaluate and compare two programs to address these impacts including Living Streams and Oxygenation Plants.

Mr David Borrello

Humanities Teacher

Melissa Clements 

Art Workshop

Last week, our Visual Art ATAR students took part in a portrait painting workshop with professional artist Melissa Clements. This hands-on experience allowed the boys to refine their oil painting techniques in a creative and inspiring environment. A fantastic opportunity to learn from an expert and bring their artistic visions to life! 

Mr Kyron Milosavljevic

Art Technician

High Performance Pathways

Thursday last week the High Performance Pathways elective went on an excursion to the Bendat Basketball Centre to watch the Perth Wildcats train as they prepare for their final series against Melbourne United. The class was impressed with the intensity at which a professional sporting organisation trains at, the attention to detail in their drills as well as the skills that the players demonstrated. This was highlighted when former NBA play Dylan Windler made 22 consecutive 3s. 


On Monday this week owner of PerformHQ Isaac Davidson spoke to the boys about Long Term Athletic Development. As part of this course students are required to complete two sessions in the Trinity Weights Room, which is run by Perform.


Today students in the HPP elective attended a mentoring session by the Summer Sport First Team captains. The captains shared information about what is required to play First team sport and past on their wisdom about transition from Middle School Sport to playing in a First Team.


Mr Michael Murphy

Health and PE

Year 10 Holocaust Institute Excursion

On Tuesday two Year 10 History classes accompanied Ms Italiano, Mr Jurjevich and Mr James to the Holocaust Institute of Western Australia. The boys listened to stories about the rise of antisemitism during the 1930s through Nazi propaganda, which laid the foundation for the systematic mass murder of European Jews.


They listened to recorded testimonies from survivors and recognised the reality that of the 6 million people killed in the Holocaust, each of them was a son, a daughter, a lover, a friend, a mother, a father, a sister, or a brother. This learning built upon what the boys had been learning about in class over the last 5 weeks, including the suffering that was inflicted onto Germany through the harsh Treaty of Versailles, the rise of the Nazi party, and the invasion of Poland. The boys were extremely respectful and well-mannered. They asked great questions and contributed to the discussions in a mature manner. The boys were left with the question… has the world learnt from this?


In 1930, the German government would have been very unlikely to advocate for the mass murder of Jewish people. However, over the 1930s, perverse biased attitudes disseminated by Hitler led to acts of bias, which led to legal discrimination, which ultimately led to acts of violence.


The Year 10 boys reflected on what sorts of biased attitudes exist around them. Attitudes towards women, migrants, people of different religions and ethnicities. Could bias attitudes towards these groups in the 21st century lead to acts of violence to women? Migrants? Ethnic groups? This Holocaust excursion certainly gave the Year 10s a lot to discuss and reflect upon. They are the future leaders of the world, and I know this excursion will have left them thinking about how they can do good in their own communities.


Mr Rohan James

HaSS Teacher

Semester 2, 2024 - Report Data

Student Work Attributes (SWA) & Attribute Point Average (APA)

The Trinity College Spirit Ambitions identify excellence as guiding our mission as a school community and call on us to “Inspire excellence amongst students to reach their full potential.” A true spirit of excellence involves a commitment to doing and giving our best despite adversity- developing grit, determination and resilience. Boys thrive when expectations are clear, consistent and challenging.


Student Work Attributes (SWA) identify those skills and personal habits that all students should seek to develop as they strive for their own personal excellence because they encompass the attitudes, behaviours, and skills that contribute to personal growth and success. These attributes and a descriptor of each level of achievement are found below and on the last page of the attached Student Report.


1. Application

2. Independent Learning

3. Self-Management

4. Home Studies

5. Cooperative Behaviour