Junior School


As we prepare for Ash Wednesday and the commencement of Lent, we enter this time of reflection with optimism and an open mind and heart for spiritual growth. In 2024, Pope Francis spoke about the notion of not only the importance of slowing down and focusing on oneself but serving others too. Traditionally, Lent provides a time to give something up. This year, we will be encouraging the boys to take something up.  


In line with our Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness focus through the Resilience Project, below are some suggestions throughout Lent.  


Pray for someone in your community each day,  

Keep a gratitude journal listing three things that went well for you over the 40 days,  

Complete 40 random acts of kindness (1 each day),   

Donate something each day (food, clothes, money),   

Support project Compassion to make a difference to those in need.  

International Women’s Day  

On Friday, 7 March, the College will celebrate International Women’s Day. This provides a chance for our boys to reflect on the impact that female role models have on their lives. As educators in an all-boys setting, we continue to promote and highlight the need for healthy, respectful relationships between males and females. Throughout the week, your son will learn of the importance of International Women’s Day and learn their role in continuing to promote dignity and respect for all.


We are asking the boys in the Junior School wear an item of pink and bring in a gold coin donation which will be donated to the charity ‘Share the Dignity’.  


I wish everyone a safe and happy long weekend. I trust it will be time for your son and family to slow down after the busy start to the year. We look forward to welcoming the boys back on Wednesday 5 March.  


God Bless,  


Mr James McPherson  

Head of Junior School  

Upcoming Events

Week 6 

Monday 3 March  

Labour Day Public Holiday  

Tuesday 4 March  

Staff Professional learning day (pupil free day)  

Wednesday 5 March  

No JPSSA Training 

8.40am- Ash Wednesday Mass (whole school)  

Thursday 6 March  

JPSSA vs Scotch (at Trinity) 

Friday 7 March  

International Women’s Day  

Junior School Assembly I Year 4 White, Gibney Hall, 2.20pm

Week 7  

Wednesday 12 March  

No JPSSA Training

Year 5 NAPLAN (Writing)  


Thursday 13 March  

Year 5 NAPLAN (Reading) 

JPSSA vs CCGS I Christ Church, 1pm 

JPSSA Swimming Carnival I HBF Stadium, 1pm 

Friday 14 March  

Junior School Mass I Chapel, 8.40am 

Junior School TOBA Assembly I Gibney Hall, 2.20pm 

Super Swim 2025

Callum is raising money for the children’s charity the Starlight Foundation. His sister has been in PCH a lot this summer. He is doing lips to raise funds.