Principal's Message

Old Boys and Older Boys!
At every opportunity possible, we rightly celebrate the special sense of community that is Trinity College. Families and staff alike work together in providing boys with countless opportunities to learn, develop and pursue their own personal excellence. Our various College Assemblies and Liturgical Celebrations over the first few weeks are testimony to this. Welcoming new students and staff, acknowledging student leadership, celebrating academic achievement and consistent application, and coming together to celebrate the Eucharist all point to a shared purpose and identity. Amongst all of this, two recent events involving some of our Old Boys further emphasise this sense of connectedness and community.
Two weeks ago, we celebrated our Year 13 Breakfast. A very large number of the Class of ’24 returned to the College and enjoyed the chance to catch up, share stories of their extended summer break and outline their immediate plans. University courses, apprenticeships, work, overseas travel, volunteering and gap years were all discussed. It was also good to see many of the College Staff join with the boys and congratulate them on their fantastic results from last year. Although a very informal event, I did take the opportunity to remind them all that, as Old Boys, they are always welcome as part of the Trinity community, encouraging them to stay in touch and to keep supporting each other.
Then earlier this week, our senior Year 12 Class were joined for Mass by members of the Golden Heritage Club. Membership to this very special Club is offered to those former Trinity students (Old Boys) who are a minimum of fifty years post their own graduation from this special College. This year, first year members from the Class of ’75 were welcomed by a large number of Golden Heritage members from as far back as the Class of ’48. What an incredibly humble, generous and inspirational group of men they are, and they took great delight in being ‘special guests of honour’ to join our Senior Class in the celebration of the Eucharist.
Their presence provides our senior boys with a very real example of the importance of staying connected to each other; and to your school. The bonds of mateship and strength of brotherhood is always so wonderfully displayed by our special guests. Our own boys were challenged to appreciate the legacy that has been gifted to them and the wonderful privilege and responsibility they have to both honour and build upon such a foundation. Further to this, some of the Year 12 students were able to join our guests for morning tea where they certainly enjoyed tales from the school days past! Most importantly, they were able to hear the great wisdom that emerges from the life experiences of such special Men for Others.
The Trinity Community is indeed a very special one and extends well beyond the College gates.
Live Jesus in our hearts.
Mr Darren O’Neill