Principal's Report

Year 7 Camp 

Hi everyone, my name is Ayla from class 7Y2 and I would like to tell you a little bit about our year 7 camp! We went to camp from the 24th to the 26th of February. All the Year Sevens headed off to Philip Island! 

Some of the activities we did were: High ropes, Giant swing, Smith’s beach, Twin flying fox, Canoeing, Raft making and lastly Swimming in the pool! 

The meals on camp were amazing! We had spaghetti for dinner on the first night (which in my opinion was the best meal we had!) then we had cereal and toast for breakfast. Later in the day for lunch we had burgers with potato crisps. And lastly for dinner we had delicious chicken tenders with gravy and vegies. 

Was such a fun week! 

Ayla 7Y2.  

Year 7 Camp Highlights 

The best thing about camp was spending time with friends - Jacob and Mehrad. 


An interesting thing about camp was the penguin parade and the food was better than ever – Jocelyn and Sue-Han. 


The best thing about camp was High Ropes – Auryn and Deniz, Tommy and Zoe. 


One funny thing that happened on camp was the Disco – Vince and Zachary. 


One funny thing that happened on camp was being buried in sand – Annie and Lilly. 


The best thing about camp was talking in cabins – Faisal and Tahsin. 


An interesting thing about camp was the PJ Disco – Sofia and Teah. 


The best thing about the camp was the Giant Swing – Michael, Kyran and Haya. 


An interesting thing about the camp was the mix of food flavours – Emily and Yen-Wei. 


An interesting thing abut camp was picking our cabin – Emma and Samreen. 


The best thing about camp was the vanilla ice-cream and sprinkles – Hareeshan. 


An interesting thing about the camp was meeting our Year 10 peer support person – Lyla and Eshaal. 


One funny thing about camp was people falling into the lake when they made an unstable raft – Lucy and Caitlin. 


An interesting thing about camp was only a few penguins appeared on the first night, but the second group saw a lot – Lawrence and Jed. 


The best thing about camp was having fun with our Activity Group  Emmett and Luke. 


An interesting thing about the camp was it was gigantic – Tanay. 


The best thing about the camp was the Flying Fox and the Pool – Aarav and Adrian. 


The best thing about the camp was having fun! – Arya and Audrey. 



Peter Rhodes 

Associate Principal