Sports News

Our school sports will be taking place Friday 14th March at the Lake Oval. Please see the below timetable for the running of the day.

If parents would like to volunteer to cook the BBQ please contact the office or email me on

Many thanks in advance. 


On Friday 21/2,  11 students participated in the Colac Divisional Tennis Tournament at the Colac Lawn Tennis Club. They represented the school in a marvelous manner and displayed fantastic sportsmanship. Congratulations to Rachel Richardson and Charlotte Boyd on being joint champions. 


St. Mary’s School Sports 2025

0Gr 3-6 students gather in house groups 10:25 
1Boys and Girls 400m [optional [Gr 3/4  then 5/6 ]10.30
2Assemble house colours and welcome 11:00
3Tabloid Sports  [6x4min plus 2 min change over]11:15
4BBQ - Lunch break (Fun Food)12.15
5Class relays – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, prep12.45
6(Grade 6 Relay)   Grade flat races Prep, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6  1.15
7Presentations  1.50
8Clean Up and return to school  2.00

Thank you,


Matt Absalom