IPS School Council

2025 IPS School Council Membership Notification to Community

Wednesday 26th February - First meeting of School Council. (6PM START)

IPS School Council President's Report


Ivanhoe Primary School Council met for the first time on 27 February.  Once again in 2025 we are privileged to have a great group of people with a broad range of skills to support the school.  Our ten parent members have children from across the year levels. This year, office holders are:

  • President: Hamish Wood
  • Vice President: Jo O'Hara
  • Treasurer: Naomi Ewington
  • Secretary: Pam Wright/Nick King

As well as supporting our Executive Team in the governance of the School, the Council has two key responsibilities in 2025:

  • Providing input to, and approval of, the School Strategic Plan for the four year period from 2025 to 2028; and
  • Providing oversight and support to the Fair Committee in delivering the fair in November. 

This year we're looking forward to having input from the Junior School Council into our meetings as well, which is a great opportunity for our young leaders to represent the student voice.


While we do have our ten parent members for the council, there are still ways you can get involved: 

  • Provide input to the School Strategic Plan. As part of the development of the strategic plan, attend the parent session on March 4 at 3pm. 
  • Attend or join a School Council sub-committee. You don't have to be on Council to get involved in the Sub Committees. The Subcommittees are Finance, Education, Building and Grounds, Fair and Out of School Hours Care.

If you have any questions about the activities of council or want to get involved, please feel free to get in touch hamish.wood@education.vic.gov.au



 2025 Proposed School Council dates

Venue: Collaboration Space /  WebEx      Time: 7.00 pm *


* 6.30 pm - correspondence tabled and informal meet.

Term 1


26th February 6pm

26th March 

Term 2


30th April (Annual Report)

14th May 

25th   June

Term 3


13th August

10th September

Term 4


29th October 

26th November

10th December 

  (SC dinner)