Wominjeka to OSHC 

Coordinator: Alexis Simmonds and Assistant Coordinator: Sarah Emerson

Week 5 - 22nd February 2025

We acknowledge the first peoples of the Kulin Nation, their Dreaming of the past, present and future. We pay our respect for their land by looking after the land we learn and play on.

Over the first few weeks at OSHC we have welcomed lots of new faces into our OSHC family including, 42 new foundation students across both Before Care and After Care. We are happy to report they have all settled in fabulously. 


For the first 5-6 weeks of term we run our foundation transition program at OSHC which helps students learn our routines and allows them to get the lay of the land quickly. The Foundation train leaves Before Care at 8:45 each morning accompanied by one of our educators. Each afternoon students are collected from their classrooms at 3:15, walked down to OSHC and settled in before the rest of the students arrive for the afternoon session. 


We find this really helps the students become settled and confident to make their way down to OSHC independently once the transition period is over. We have a great group of students who make the whole process easier as well, making sure to include all our new students and help them where needed.


In other areas of the program educators have stepped up the cooking activities after high demand from children. You may have some of your children come home with a new bracelet or necklace after one of the jewellery making activities. Tag games and games of dodgeball have been popular in the hall and cricket skills have been on show in matches on the oval. 


Children have escaped the hot weather in the Book Nook reading and drawing while others have been cooking up banquets with playdough or chalk painting our lizard. 

We’re almost halfway through the term already with many more fun activities and games to teach. 



My name is Holly and my name is Charlie and we go to OSHC. Kate and Rowena went to the hall and the preps played LEGO. People played chalk. At OSHC we like skipping, colouring and writing. 


Ivanhoe Primary OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)

For bookings, enrolments or inquires phone: 9499-5226

Or email us at iposhc@ivanhoeps.vic.edu.au


Find us at the corners of Tate & Ailsa Grove, Ivanhoe 3079.                                                           

It’s the building called ‘The Playhouse.