Frankie Flanagan - VCE Program Leader 

As we return to what will no doubt be a very busy year, we wish to welcome both our returning and new students to the 2024 academic year. In particular, we wish to acknowledge our senior student cohort as they embark on the rigorous year ahead. We look forward to working in partnership with families to support students in achieving success in their various pathways.


Senior students are reminded that two of the largest contributors to success in VCE are personal organisation and communication. Good habits surrounding sleep, study habits and effective scheduling take dedication and some students may require additional support in establishing these. Staff are enthusiastically looking forward to supporting students in applying consistent effort and actively applying themselves to their studies. Established protocols regarding work submissions, SAC dates and absences have been clearly outlined to students and it is important that students familiarise themselves with these as the academic year begins.


Students are also reminded that there is an attendance requirement for VCE. Students who accumulate unapproved absences from their studies will be invited to come to a VCE Panel meeting to discuss their ability to meet the outcomes of their course. Students who are undertaking a VET study are also reminded about the importance of attendance every week at their program. Whilst attendance throughout the VCE Program is extremely important, it is vital that students understand each day of VET is the equivalent of a week’s study. Absences are reported to the external overarching organisations and can impact a student’s ability to pass the certificate.


We wish students luck as they embark on their 2024 academic journey.