Deputy Principal & 

Student Wellbeing 

  Greg Van Es

Raising standards.

As we begin 2024 we are looking at all the ways we can support our students in raising their academic and social outcomes and to support them in becoming responsible young adults. This requires us to set firm boundaries for the benefit of all members of our community. The involvement and support of parents plays a crucial role in allowing students to understand how following these guiding expectations bring our diverse community together as one while respecting everyone’s unique background, perspectives, and talents as a young people made in the image of God.


Banning Mobile Phones:

In a time where technology is everywhere, our classrooms are dedicated spaces for learning. The government ban on mobile phones between 8-50am and 3-20pm ensures every moment is focused on student’s academic success and helps build friendships and social interaction.


Uniform Standards:

Beyond looking good, uniforms foster equality and instill pride, discipline, and professionalism. They remind us that, regardless of background, we're part of the one community, and will help prepare you for success beyond St John’s because first impressions are important particularly when applying for a whole range of job. This includes wearing the College blazer to and from school each day, hair, makeup, shaving and jewellery expectations.


Punctuality to Class:

Time is precious, especially in learning. Being on time to homeroom, 8-50am and classes, shows respect for teachers, classmates, and yourself. It's a life skill that prepares you for responsibilities in school and the workforce.


These expectations are key to creating a positive, focused, and respectful learning environment. We need all our students to take ownership of these expectations and follow them. They are part of our role in helping students to become young adults and preparing them for life beyond St Johns.