School News and Information 

Welcome message from each class/stage

Please find below copies of the welcome letters sent home by each teacher/stage.


PAX word of the fortnight

This year we will continue each week adding information in regard to our PAX and You can Do It focus for the fortnight.  This is so families can also share and use our PAX focus at home. Our PAX word for the fortnight to begin our term is HAPPINESS.


Happiness is about being nice and spreading love all around.  When family and friends are playing and engaging in fun activities, it makes our hearts sing and gives us that inner glowing feeling.  Being one with nature and forming a connection with the environment, stimulates happiness as well.  Some ideas you can discuss at home include: 

  1. When do you experience happiness at school and at home?
  2. Sometimes we don't know the struggles another person might be going through. How we talk to them and share our happiness and be understanding of them?
  3. At Martin’s Gully and in the community, PAX Leaders spread happiness to those in need.  What are some ways we can spread happiness?
  4. Did you notice anyone spreading happiness this week and filling up other people's buckets? 

What’s Happening Term 1:

This calendar of events will be updated and published each week. Some events may change, so please access the latest version.


Week 3 (Next Week)

Monday 12th February - Responsible Pet Program - Kindergarten to Year 2 only

Tuesday 13th February - NERAM Visit to school - Stage 2


Week 4

Tuesday 20th February - NERAM Visit to school - Stage 3

Tuesday 20th February - Welcome BBQ - 5.00pm

Thursday 22nd February - Armidale Zone Swimming Carnival

Friday 23rd February - Whole school assembly - Stage 3 presenting (12.30pm start)


Week 5

Friday 1st March - PSSA Tennis


Week 6

Thursday 7th March - PSSA Basketball trials 

Friday 8th March - Whole School Assembly - Stage 2 Presenting (12.30pm start)

Friday 8th March - PSSA Cricket Trials


Week 7

Monday 11th March - North West Swimming - Armidale

Tuesday 12th March - AFL nominations - no trial, nominations only

Wednesday 13th March - NAPLAN starts - Years 3 and 5 students only

Thursday 14th March - NAPLAN - Years 3 and 5 students only

Thursday 14th March - Disco and Parent Information sessions

Friday 15th March - NAPLAN - Years 3 and 5 students only

Friday 15th March - PSSA Hockey trials


Week 8

NAPLAN - Years 3 and 5 students only (all week if required)

Friday 22nd March - Whole School Assembly - Stage 1 Presenting (12.30pm start)

Friday 22nd March - PSSA Touch Football trials


Week 9


Week 10

Thursday 4th April - Da Vinci Decathlon - Year 5&6 students

Friday 5th April - Whole School Assembly - Kindergarten Presenting (12.30pm start)


Week 11

Friday 12th April - Last Day Term 1. School resumes for students on Tuesday 30th April.