Outdoor Learning Area with Yarning Circle

In Term 2, the building with the old school office, library and 2 classrooms will be demolished. In its place we are planning to construct a wonderful new outdoor learning area. There will be a garden with Aboriginal memorial poles and a paved area with seating, forming a yarning circle.
A yarning circle is an important part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, where people learn together as a group, build respectful relationships and pass on cultural knowledge.
As mentioned, we are excited to be fundraising this year for our Outdoor Learning Area. We have invited families to make a voluntary contribution through Compass – Course Confirmation/School Payments. So far, we have received an amazing amount of … $13,550! Thankyou everyone, this is a fantastic start. We encourage our families who haven’t as yet and are able, to hop on to Compass to make a donation so we can reach our target of $50,000. We will also be dedicating all locally raised funds from the Camp Out, School Concert, Easter Raffle, etc to this great project.