K - Yr 6 Snapshots 


Kindergarten are learning about 2D shapes. We had stations where we explored making shapes with different orientations. What fun!

Year 1


Ash Wednesday


Sentence dictation

Big Write


2D Shapes  - Quadrilaterals and Polygon

2D Shapes  - Patterns

2D Shapes  - Slides and Flips

2D Shapes  - Fun activity creating symmetrical images

Ordering numbers


Ordering the Months of the Year

Using the third teacher to check the order of the Months

Swimming Carnival

Year 2

In Science and Technology, year 2 students have been learning about the Earth's resources, including water, soil and minerals. Students have been learning to recognise why and how we should care for the environment and our natural resources.  They have been learning that everything comes from something and this week, students had the opportunity to experience ice cream made in a bag! 

The instructions have been included should you wish to do this experiment with your child at home. 



1. In the medium zip lock bag place cream, sugar and vanilla essence/cocoa powder

2. In the large zip lock bag place ice and rock salt 

3. Place the medium bag inside the large bag and close 

4. Shake the bag continuously for 10 mins until the cream freezes! 



THE SCIENCE: Adding salt to the ice lowers the temperature at which water freezes. You will actually notice your ice melting as your ice cream ingredients start to freeze. 

Shaking the bag allows the warm cream mixture to move around to allow for better freezing. Plus it also creates a little air that makes the ice cream a bit fluffier.  


Isn't Science Great!



Swimming Carnival