Our Faith - Religious Education

Pray with HOPE is the 2024 theme for Catholic Schools.
Thank you
Thank you Father Damien, families, students and staff for your participation at our Ash Wednesday Mass.
Thank you Mrs Kratz in the school canteen for the preparation of our pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. A huge THANK YOU to Mrs Kratz's Mum for making the 700+ pancakes for us to sell. All of the money raised will go towards Project Compassion.
The St Vincent de Paul Society is currently recruiting new members.
The St Vincent de Paul Society is currently recruiting new members and have a campaign going at present where we are speaking at masses, doing a market Sunday stall this weekend and some letterbox drops and word of mouth.
We need members from our community to help with Conference work (Care and Support or visitation) or volunteering in our shops. We are holding an information session next Thursday 29th February in the Torregianni Room at 5.30pm for anyone interested in hearing about the wide range of work that we do (see the above flyer).
We run a St Gerard's Family Conference for adults and their children (Year 6 & up students). Families will visit people in their homes, usually elderly parishioners. We would love the opportunity to help other families who would like to be involved.
We run a St Mary's Youth Conference with 15+ aged students who undertake a weekly homework club at the Library for primary-aged children, conduct buddy days and make up care packs for our needy.
Cassie Croft is currently recruiting (at UNE Open Day) and is holding a pizza night and care pack making session next Wednesday 28th February at the Rusden St conference rooms.
Enquiries on 0490855956 Mrs Kerrie Steller.
Mini Vinnies
Our Mini Vinnies group didn't meet this week due to the Swimming Carnival. The previous week we prepared our Project Compassion resources and distributed these to the classrooms. We request all Project Compassion boxes back the week before/after Easter.
Project Compassion 2024
Donations to Project Compassion allow Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, to work with local communities around the world to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. Please give generously to Caritas Australia this Lenten season and help vulnerable people around the world, now and for all future generations. With your support, Caritas Australia has been able to assist communities around the world through income generation, water and sanitation, food security, education and disaster risk reduction programs. Project Compassion 2024 reminds us that the good we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. Together, we can help vulnerable communities face their challenges today and build a better tomorrow.
You can donate through Project Compassion donation boxes.
Parish Masses at OLA
Parents and Friends are invited to join classes as they attend Parish Masses on Friday this term. Classes will attend the Parish Mass on Friday at 9:15am at the OLA Chapel. Dates are listed below for Parish Masses -
23/2/24 | Week 4 | Year 5 |
1/3/24 | Week 5 | Year 4 |
8/3/24 | Week 6 | Year 3 |
15/3/24 | Week 7 | Year 2 |
22/3/24 | Week 8 | Year 1 |
5/4/24 | Week 10 | Kindergarten |
Sacrament Dates for 2024
Confirmation -
The Confirmation program is a parish-based program for students in Year 6 or older. The program will consist of six Confirmation Lessons held in the DLS Chapel on Sunday at 8:00am-9:30am. The first hour of the lesson will consist of participation in Mass followed by a Formation lesson. Mass attendance is an important part of Confirmation preparation for all students and for their ongoing faith development. Attendance at all lessons is compulsory to complete the program and to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation.
The Confirmation Enrolment Evening is scheduled for Wednesday 28/2/24 at 6pm in the Torreggiani Room (behind the Cathedral). Parents/Carers of students participating in the program will need to attend this evening. If for any reason you are unable to attend, please ring Tina in the Cathedral Office on 6772 2218.
Confirmation Enrolment Evening Wednesday 28/2/24 @ 6pm |
Confirmation Lesson 1 Sunday 10/3/24 8am - 9:30am |
Confirmation Lesson 2 Sunday 17/3/24 8am - 9:30am |
Confirmation Lesson 3 Sunday 24/3/24 8am - 9:30am |
Confirmation Lesson 4 Sunday 7/4/24 8am - 9:30am |
Confirmation Lesson 5 Sunday 5/5/24 8am - 9:30am |
Confirmation Lesson 6 Sunday 12/5/24 8am - 9:30am |
Confirmation Rehearsal Friday 17/5/24 at 3:30-5:00pm |
Confirmation Celebrated Sunday 19/5/24 at 10am Mass |
First Reconciliation & First Eucharist: TBC (Term 3)
Sts Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Mass Times
Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Weekend Mass Times are Saturday 9 am & 6 pm
and Sunday - 8 am, 10 am and 5.30 pm.
Currently weekend Masses are being celebrated in the De La Salle Chapel at O'Connor due to the roof repairs at the Cathedral.
Diocesan Prayer Card
A Diocesan Prayer has been written and published.