P&F  Association and

School Advisory Council



Committee Members

President - Joanne Ward

Vice President - Kylie Wanschers

Secretary  - Claire Hammond

Treasurer - Bernadette Garratt

BBQ & Catering  - Christine Fittler


Upcoming Events

20 March P&F AGM 5pm in staffroom

Upcoming - Hot Cross Bun Drive


Thank you to all families and teachers  who attended our welcome BBQ.  Also a big thanks to those who helped cook and serve the sausages. 

Next up is the Hot cross bun drive. Keep an eye out on compass in the next couple of weeks on how to order. 

We are calling again for class parents. Can you help? Maybe you can drag a friend along with you, or your spouse? Class Parents duties include welcoming new families to the school and being a point of contact for parents in the class for information about different school activities.  If you think you can help in this role then please contact the school office.


The AGM is Wednesday, 20 March at 5pm in the staff room. Please note the time change. We will have the AGM and then a general meeting. Please don’t be scared off by the letters AGM.  All  positions will be made vacant and nominations will be taken on the night. Can you spare some time to volunteer for our school?  Do you know someone who would be willing to help? Encourage them to come along, it’s not as scary as you might think. 

I was asked last night how much time I put into the job. It’s a little hard to answer, but generally not a lot. Some weeks nothing. Prior to an event then yes a couple of hours (although its generally only 5 min here then 10 min there) to make sure all is organised. I liaise with the committee members prior to an event and with Belinda and her PA Bec.

Many hands make light work. 

Thanks so much



Our first meeting of the year will be held on Monday, 11 March at 5:30pm in the Staff Room.


The School Advisory Council has responsibility to advise in the following areas.

  • The development of the Catholic identity, ethos and mission of the school.
  • The pastoral care strategies in the school community.
  • Promotion of the school.
  • Monitoring of the annual budget.
  • Ensuring compliance with regulations by school associations and committees such as the P&F.
  • Development of local strategic plans (finance, buildings, resources) and contributing to diocesan educational strategic planning.
  • Facilitation of school community responses in conjunction with Catholic system,  engaging with governments on school funding and other relevant issues..
  • Other matters as requested by the Principal or Parish Priest.