From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 

Welcome To Week 4!

When visiting the classrooms I am very are proud to see that the students have settled well into school routines and are engaged as learners. The children are to be commended on their cooperation and positive start to the 2024 school year. 

Whole School Mass - Ash Wednesday

Thank you Fr Damien for our Mass on Wednesday in the school grounds. Everyone received the Ashes on their forehead as a reminder we entering the Liturgical Season of Lent, a time to get ready for the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter.  Our 2024 student leaders were commissioned and their badges were blessed and presented during the Mass. These remarkable leaders are already showing their leadership qualities across all areas of our school.

Welcome BBQ Thank You 

Thank you to the P & F for hosting the BBQ on Tuesday it was lovely to see families gathering together to share a sausage and a chat.

Swimming Carnival

Thank you Mr Lester for organising the carnival. Thank you to the staff and parents for all of your help at the carnival. Congratulations to all the children who swam in the events and to those who have qualified for the Diocesan Carnival on 1st March. Congratulations to De La Salle for their well-deserved victory. 

Confirmation Parent Night

The Confirmation Enrolment Evening is scheduled for Wednesday 28/2/24 at 6pm in the Torreggiani Room (behind the Cathedral). Parents/Carers of students participating in the program will need to attend this evening.  If for any reason you are unable to attend, please ring Tina in the Cathedral Office on 6772 2218. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Thank you parents for booking an interview time with your child's teachers.

Year 1-Year 6  teachers will be holding interviews in Wk 5 & Wk 6, Kindergarten will hold their interviews in Wk 8 & Wk 9.

Armidale Show

The classes are very busy preparing their class art work for the show on the 1st & 2nd March.


Each year the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is undertaken by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Students will participate in tests for writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. 


NAPLAN 2024 will take place from Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March

NAPLAN is just one part of our school learning assessment program. The tests assess literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning at school. Please avoid commitments during school time during these dates.


Further information for parents and carers can be found here:


I encourage all parents of students in Years 3 and 5 to explore the Public Demonstration Site with your child (click below).  Here you will find sample questions for each of the areas assessed.


Click below to see a short video showing how to navigate the Public Demonstration Site.


Annual School Improvement Plan 2024

The Annual Improvement Plan (AIP) is a core part of the school business. It provides a focus on school improvement priorities, clarity and purpose for our school community for 2024. The AIP is reviewed and evaluated regularly throughout the year.


Our main goals for 2024 are:  

  • CATHOLIC IDENTITY - Enhance the Prayer Life of the School, Faith Formation & Living Well Learning Well.
  • QUALITY TEACHING & LEARNING - Embedding new Syllabi focus areas English & Math
  • STRONG TEAMS - Build Professional Teaching Teams,  Staff Professional Development the Clarity Suite Modules, Implement the 5 Year Maintenance Works Schedule.

P & F Meeting - AGM 20th March 5pm Staffroom

The P & F plays an important role in building community by organising social events and supporting the school through fundraising activities. I encourage everyone to become involved in the P & F Association. On 20th of March the Annual General Meeting of the Parents and Friends Association will be held. Please consider undertaking a role on the Executive:

  • President: 
  • Vice-President: 
  • Secretary: 
  • Treasurer: 
  • Sub committees - Social Events, Discos, BBQ, Fete, Class Parents ...

The P & F Association recognises and values the role that parents/carers play in the education of their children and aims to strengthen the partnership between family, school, parish and the wider community for the benefit of the faith formation, development and learning of all the students at the school. 


Please read the roles in the attachments below. 



SAC - School Advisory Council

The Catholic School Advisory Council provides an opportunity for members of the school and parish community to support the mission of Catholic education in the school. Working with the Principal and the Parish Priest, the members of the Council provide guidance and support to the wider school community. The Council operates within the policies and procedures determined by the Catholic Schools Office. The Principal has responsibility for the day-to-day leadership and management of the school. The members of the School Advisory Council are comprised of the Parish Priest, Principal, staff members, community members, co-opted members. Co-opted members will be chosen to bring to the Advisory Council a special skill, service or experience. With the approval of the Parish Priest and the Principal, parents/carers can be invited to join the Advisory Council. The meetings are only attended by members of the Council and are held once a term.

National Servicemen's Commemoration Day Service

On Sunday the 11th of February, the Armidale and District National Servicemen's Association organised a Commemoration Service at the National Servicemen's Monument located in Central Park Armidale. 


Our school captains took part by placing a wreath. Our Captains should feel a sense of pride as they represented St Mary's Primary School exceptionally well and served as outstanding ambassadors.



Please remember to explain your child's absence from school by clicking the link in the SMS sent on the day of absence, phoning the school or send an email to

Rolls are marked at 8:55 am if your child is late they must be signed in at the Front Office and collect a late pass. 


Stay informed about the latest happenings at school. It is crucial to stay updated by reading the weekly newsletter. 


It is essential that all families subscribe to the COMPASS portal.  A reminder after downloading the Compass App, please search Armidale, then choose St Mary's School. 

This site regularly provides information to families. Each family is provided with a login. If you have misplaced your login details or are experiencing difficulties logging in, please contact the School Office staff for assistance. 

Information Update In Compass

Parents please go into Compass and check your details - address, phone and email, contact details, and student medical conditions are correct. 

If any information is incorrect please email with the correct details.

School Uniform - We wear it with pride!

At St Mary's we have high expectations with wearing our uniform with pride. We therefore seek parent and student support with wearing our uniform correctly each day. 


We understand that at times students may need to wear an alternate piece of attire because of an unforeseen circumstance. If this is the case please notify the school of your child's incorrect uniform. 

O'Connor Catholic College Community Engagement Evening

Congratulations Roie Wood