Well with Alice


Welcome to 2024!

I hope you had a great holiday and are ready for what this year will bring.


For those of you who don't know me, my name is Alice Romijn and I am the chaplain here at RHPS. This means that I am a safe person for the whole school community to talk to in confidentiality. Unless students are in danger from themselves or others, my chats with them stay between them and myself!


If your child is in need of extra support for whatever reason, please don't hesitate to contact me or their classroom teacher and we will book them in for a chat. If you have signed a chaplaincy consent form before, this is still valid. If you haven't yet, you will need to sign the form before I can chat with your child. The wonderful people at the office can provide you with this form.


In my work as chaplain here I do not only have 1-on-1 or small group chats with students, you will also see me active at breakfast club. Next to that, I have led several social groups and last year we even had an art chaplaincy group, which was great fun!


Talking about breakfast club, it would be really great if we can get a small team of parent helpers together to start it up again! We'll been making toast every Wednesday morning from 8am to 9am (including clean up). Please let me know if you would be interested! It would be great if we could start next week (Wednesday 14/2).


Unfortunately this year I am only here on Wednesdays, so I won't be able to see as many students each week and do as much group work. So again, if your child needs support, please let me know so I can prioritise them. Do keep in mind that there are lots of students at this school who need to see me and there can be some waiting time.


My email address is alice.romijn@education.vic.gov.au if you need to contact me. 

I am looking forward to supporting the school community again this year!


Kind regards,

Ms. Alice Romijn

School Chaplain