
Think, Make, Improve

Technology 2024

Welcome to technology for 2024, as usual Sooty and I have been busy changing things, with a host of new adventures and experiences for all of the students at RHPS.

Sooty is a Qualified Therapy Dog and works with Mr. Taylor in the Technology space. He is an expert at pats, has plenty of tricks to share, and does a great job providing love to students and staff alike.


We've had the opportunity to meet 2 of the three new prep classes this year. We spent our first session getting to know each other, Sooty,  getting our notebooks set-up and making some great Lego creations.

Grade 1/2

We've hit the ground running, with students in Grades 1 and 2 back on the Nibblers, designing and building in Minecraft, and experimenting with electronic circuits.

Grade 3/4

The grade 3 and 4 students are busy building their autonomy in the technology area, with the opportunity to choose projects that align their learning in Technology with their interests. Students are busy exploring the possibilities in our area before selecting projects to pursue this term.


Grade 5/6

We've started the year looking at design processes, giving students the opportunity to choose projects that align their learning in Technology with their interests. The list of projects is very large, including learning electronics, video game design, coding, to eSports, woodworking and digital fabrication.


Stay amazing!


-Mr Taylor and Sooty