Junior School

Years 7 to 9

Year 7

The Year 7 Cohort is off to a brilliant start. Welcome Week saw the students work through a range of lessons to prepare them to start their regular Year 7 classes, as well as many opportunities to get to know each other and work together as a class and whole cohort. Students got the chance to meet their teachers and get to know who they would be working with throughout the year. Students competed in many Mentor group challenges, with 7C gaining the most points and winning the hot chip lunch! Welcome week concluded with a visit to Funfields where students tested their nerves on many of the rides, again getting the chance to get to know each other and their teachers.


Students have settled into the high school routine well and have adjusted to the difference in moving around to various classrooms around the College. We have had a number of Year 7 assemblies where we have been able to recognise and celebrate great attendance rates and merit awards. The Year 7s have proven to be the best attended cohort of the school and have received nearly half of all merits handed out to date. 


Week 7 and 8 will see our Year 7 cohort sitting their NAPLAN tests which will no doubt be a daunting time for some, but will generate some very valuable data for the College to be able to support and extend our learners throughout the remainder of the year.


Our Year 7s have shown great resilience in the postponement of their Year 7 Camp and are looking forward to attending next week! We are looking forward to seeing our Year 7s challenge themselves and make lasting memories and friendships across the three days.


Well done to the Year 7s – keep up the great work!


Kind regards,

Ashley Bishop and Nathaniel Alexopoulos 

Year 7 Year Level Leaders 


Year 8

Year 8 students have returned to school full of enthusiasm and energy. We are pleased to see that students have settled in well and are coping well now we are out of the B Block rooms and having classes timetabled all around the school! Students have really impressed with their positivity in wearing the correct uniform, and adjusting to the reintroduction of our mentor system and alternate bell times. 


Students were engaged with the incursion from Brainstorm Productions in Week 2 and we had a number of students participate in the annual College Swimming sports this week. 


A reminder to families to help support the learning of your student, please ensure they are bringing a fully charged device to school each day and are also bringing a pencil case with adequate contents. A number of students are attending class with a single pen only, and this does not give them the best opportunity to complete their work appropriately. We really want our students to think about our College values of Respect, Achievement, Innovation and Diversity and what these look like in all settings, including the classroom, yard and online. Looking forward to a terrific year of personal growth and learning.


Ms Hall & Mr Palmer

Year 8 Year Level Leaders



Year 9

We would like to warmly welcome the new Year 9 Cohort to what will be an exciting year at Gisborne Secondary College. So far, we have had a very positive start to the year. We are thrilled to be the Year 9 Coordinators for 2024 and look forward to working with each of you.


The RAID information night was held on Monday February 5th, thank you to all the families who attended, and should you require any further information please contact the junior school office. Our first RAID session was yesterday, students received important information about the program and began some of the activities.


Year 9 Students received a locker at the commencement of the school year. They should have brought all book-listed items to school by now to maximise their learning. Students are also expected to have a healthy supply of stationery and exercise books and should bring a charged device to school every day. It is vital that students have a lock for their locker to ensure their belongings, including their mobile phone are safe within their locker. If you are having any issues getting the required books and stationery, please contact us, and we will endeavour to support your child.


We would like to reinforce the uniform expectations at Gisborne Secondary College. Students are fortunate to have a practical and comfortable uniform. Only items of clothing with Gisborne Secondary College logo on them are to be worn at school. We have brought in harsher consequences for students who frequently refuse to wear the correct school uniform. There are many positive benefits to wearing a school uniform. Should you be having issues regarding buying uniform items, please contact us.


Once again, we are excited for the 2024 school year and look forward to working with the Year 9s and their families towards improving their learning and overall wellbeing. Please feel free to contact either of us if you need any assistance.


Miranda Brown and Nadine Clarke

Year 9 Year Level Leaders