Specialist - PE

Last Thursday, Miners Rest was fortunate to have an all day Hockey Clinic delivered on the Medwell Oval. All students who participated in these sessions took part in specific hockey skills and drills which were then incorporated into minor games. It is wonderful to see students in previous years who have taken part in these hockey clinics then join the great programs Hockey Victoria has to offer outside the school setting.
Please see the below link if your child is interested in taking part in the following local sessions.
We wish our two Miners Rest boys tennis teams the best of luck today as they compete in the Division Tennis Competition at the Ballarat Regional Tennis Association.
Good luck to Ned H, Oliver D, Zach V and Reiley G and a big thank you to the parents who are supporting this long standing event.
It is exciting being back at school again and training is now well and truly underway for our Ball Sports and Athletics Carnival at the end of this term. All students will meet next Friday to be reintroduced with their House Captains and fellow house mates and students will enjoy eating lunch together in houses. A friendly reminder to bring hats and drink bottles to ALL Physical Education classes this term.